Scripture Search Results

Search For: Conflict
Verses Found: 8

Philippians 1:30 Having the same conflict which ye saw in me, and now know to be in me.

Colossians 2:1 For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;

Alma 20:78 And now when Zerahemnah had made an end of speaking these words, Moroni returned the sword, and the weapons of war which he had received, unto Zerahemnah, saying, Behold, we will end the conflict.

DC 120:3a There should be no conflict or jealousy of authority between the quorums of the church; all are necessary and equally honorable, each in its place.

DC 120:4c and in cases of conflict, or extremity, their decision should be listened to and regarded, subject to the appeal and adjudication provided for in the law.

DC 120:6 In these matters there is no conflict in the law.

DC 123:17 Resolved, further, that when a necessity occurs for changing men or placing new men in the field, between conferences, to meet special exigencies, those making the appointment should notify the ministers in charge of the fields affected, if practicable, so as to avoid irregularity or possible conflict. GOSPEL BOAT

DC 135:Intro SECTION 135 In the years prior to 1925 the Reorganization was passing through a period which brought to the fore problems of administrative prerogatives. These involved the leading quorums of the church. A climax was reached in the General Conference of 1925. A conflict of views between the First Presidency and the Presiding Bishopric occurred. The Order of Bishops presented a motion to the Conference recommending the honorable release from their positions of members of the Presiding Bishopric. The General Conference by motion deferred action and approved an appeal to the Lord through the prophet, in fasting and prayer. In response to the plea of the church the following revelation was received through President Frederick M. Smith, prophet and seer to the church, April 18, 1925. To the Church: Before and since the decision of the conference to have a season of prayer for divine direction in the matter before the conference I have presented to the Lord the needs of the people; and through the voice of inspiration I am directed to say to the church:

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