Scripture Search Results

Search For: Corianton
Verses Found: 4

Alma 16:84 Now the eldest of his sons he took not with him; and his name was Helaman; but the names of those whom he took with him, were Shiblon and Corianton; and these are the names of those who went with him among the Zoramites, to preach unto them the word.

Alma 19:Intro The commandments of Alma, to his son, Corianton.

Alma 21:185 And thus ended the nineteenth year of the reign of the Judges over the people of Nephi; yea, and there was continual peace among them, and exceeding great prosperity in the church, because of their heed and diligence which they gave unto the word of God, which was declared unto them by Helaman, and Shiblon, and Corianton, and Ammon, and his brethren, etc.;

Alma 30:14 And it came to pass in the thirty and ninth year of the reign of the Judges, Shiblon died also, and Corianton had gone forth to the land northward, in a ship, to carry forth provisions unto the people who had gone forth into that land;

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