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Psalms 68:6 God setteth the solitary in families; he bringeth out those which are bound with chains; but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

DC 1:Intro Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at a special conference held at Hiram, Portage County, Ohio, November 1, 1831. It was to serve as a preface to the "Book of Commandments." W.W. Phelps and Company began the printing of the "Book of Commandments" at Independence, Missouri, but the plant was destroyed by a mob in July 1833 before the book could be completed. The last section to be set up ended with the words, "blood of Ephraim" (D. and C. 64:7b). When the first edition of the Doctrine and Covenants was published in 1835, it included the sections (chapters) set in type for the "Book of Commandments" and also instructions received prior to July 1833 but not included in the "Book of Commandments." To this was added further instruction received and a statement of principles approved prior to the date of publication. The preface was continued as Section 1. If the preface had been included in the order it was received, it would have appeared immediately prior to Section 67 in recent editions. A revelation received November 3, 1831, known as the Appendix, does not appear in the "Book of Commandments," as was originally intended, but will be found as Section 100 of the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants and as Section 108 in all subsequent editions.

DC 3:Intro SECTION 3 After the loss of that portion of the Book of Mormon manuscript which had been translated before July 1828, the mind of Joseph was "darkened" (D. and C. 3:1b). After humbling himself, Joseph was again enlightened, and was permitted to resume his work. Instruction received in this connection is recorded in the following revelation, which was received while Joseph was still at Harmony, Pennsylvania, in July or August 1828.

DC 10:Intro SECTION 10 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., to his brother, Hyrum Smith, May 1829, at Harmony, Pennsylvania. The first four paragraphs contain the same assurances and counsel as had been given to Oliver Cowdery during the preceding months (D. and C. 6).

DC 11:Intro SECTION 11 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., the prophet, in response to the earnest prayers of Joseph Knight, Sr. On several occasions Mr. Knight brought provisions to Joseph and Oliver so they could continue their work of translation without interruption. This revelation was given in May 1829, at Harmony, Pennsylvania. Note the similarity between the opening affirmations and commandments of this revelation and those given to Oliver Cowdery (D. and C. 6), Hyrum Smith (D. and C. 10), and David Whitmer (D. and C. 12).

DC 35:Intro SECTION 35 Revelation given to Edward Partridge through Joseph Smith, Jr., in December 1830 at Fayette, New York. Edward Partridge had accompanied Sidney Rigdon from Ohio. Three months later he became the first bishop of the church (D. and C. 41:3).

DC 36:Intro SECTION 36 In June 1830 Joseph Smith began an inspired correction of the Holy Scriptures, the necessity for which had been pointed out in the revelation of June 1830 (D. and C. 22:24). While engaged in this work in December 1830, Joseph received the following revelation which is an extract from the prophecy of Enoch. This revelation now forms Genesis 7:1-78 of the Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures. It was given at Fayette, New York. The 1835 edition did not include this section. It has appeared as Section 36 since 1864 and was specifically approved at the 1970 World Conference for retention in its present place.

DC 40:Intro SECTION 40 Revelation addressed to Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon. It was received through Joseph at Fayette, New York, January 1831, and is a sequel to the revelation given to James Covill (D. and C. 39).

DC 42:Intro SECTION 42 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., and addressed to the elders of the church. It was given February 9, 1831, in the presence of twelve elders who had assembled at Kirtland, Ohio, in harmony with instruction given them in an earlier revelation (D. and C. 41:1b). In the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants this revelation appears as Section 13, and is headed "Laws of the Church."

DC 48:Intro SECTION 48 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., March 8, 1831, at Kirtland, Ohio. This is addressed to the Saints in Kirtland who needed guidance concerning the manner of locating members of the church arriving from the East (D. and C. 45:12). They were uncertain about the advisability of purchasing land in view of the projected move farther west, and about the Zionic principles on which lands should be allocated.

DC 50:Intro SECTION 50 Revelation given to the elders of the church through Joseph Smith, Jr., May 1831, at Kirtland, Ohio. Some of the elders who returned from their missions in order to share in the June conference (D. and C. 44) reported that they had been embarrassed by strange and unedifying spiritual manifestations which were experienced among the congregations of the Saints. Joseph sought the Lord for guidance, and the following revelation as given him.

DC 76:Intro SECTION 76 On their return from the Amherst (Ohio) conference to Hiram, Ohio (D. and C. 75), Joseph Smith resumed translation of the Scriptures with Sidney Rigdon as his scribe. On February 16, 1832, while they were thus engaged, they came to John 5:29. While meditating on the rendition they were given by the spirit of revelation, they shared a vision which they reported in the words of this section.

DC 81:Intro SECTION 81 Joseph Smith left Hiram, Ohio, April 1, 1832, and he and his party reached Independence, Missouri, on April 24. A general council of the church was immediately called to convene April 26, 1832. At this council more inspired instruction was received through Joseph concerning the poor and the enlargement of Zion. More unusual names are used in this revelation (see D. and C. 77). Their meanings are interpreted as follows: "Alam and Ahashdah" "Mahalaleel and Pelagoram" "Gazelam" "Horah and Olihah" "Shalemanasseh and Mehemson" "Land of Shinehah" Newel K. Whitney Sidney Rigdon Joseph Smith Oliver Cowdery Martin Harris Kirtland

DC 90:Intro SECTION 90 A conference of high priests met in Kirtland, Ohio, May 4, 1833, to consider the building of a schoolhouse for the instruction of the elders in the work of their ministry. This was in harmony with the revelation of December 27, 1832 (D. and C. 85:36). This revelation was received through Joseph Smith two days later, May 6, 1833, at Kirtland, Ohio.

DC 102:Intro SECTION 102 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., June 22, 1834, at Fishing River, Missouri. The company of Saints known as "Zion's Camp" left Kirtland, Ohio, for Missouri, May 8, 1834 (D. and C. 100:5-6). They reached an elevated piece of land between two branches of the Fishing River June 19 and were obliged to stay there because of a heavy rain and hailstorm. The following revelation was given through Joseph Smith on June 22, 1834. It was first published in 1844 without conference approval and its retention was specifically authorized by the 1970 World Conference. For "Baurak Ale" read Joseph Smith. "Baneemy" evidently referred to the other leading elders of the church.

DC 107:34a And again, verily I say unto you, If my servant Robert D. Foster will obey my voice, let him build a house for my servant Joseph, according to the contract which he has made with him, as the door shall be open to him from time to time;

DC 117:8a Let my servants Archibald M. Wilsey, William D. Morton, and George Rarick, be ordained high priests:

DC 139:2a "To fill one of the vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, I have presented to my servant the name of D. Blair Jensen of the High Priests Quorum, who is called and chosen to this office, and should be ordained and set apart as a special witness in the Quorum of Twelve."

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