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Mosiah 5:72 Now Ammon said unto him, I can assuredly tell thee, O king, of a man that can translate the records: for he has wherewith that he can look, and translate all records that are of ancient date: and it is a gift from God.

3 Nephi 2:11 And behold, I am Giddianhi; and I am the governor of this the secret society of Gadianton; which society, and the works thereof, I know to be good; and they are of ancient date, and they have been handed down unto us.

DC 1:Intro Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at a special conference held at Hiram, Portage County, Ohio, November 1, 1831. It was to serve as a preface to the "Book of Commandments." W.W. Phelps and Company began the printing of the "Book of Commandments" at Independence, Missouri, but the plant was destroyed by a mob in July 1833 before the book could be completed. The last section to be set up ended with the words, "blood of Ephraim" (D. and C. 64:7b). When the first edition of the Doctrine and Covenants was published in 1835, it included the sections (chapters) set in type for the "Book of Commandments" and also instructions received prior to July 1833 but not included in the "Book of Commandments." To this was added further instruction received and a statement of principles approved prior to the date of publication. The preface was continued as Section 1. If the preface had been included in the order it was received, it would have appeared immediately prior to Section 67 in recent editions. A revelation received November 3, 1831, known as the Appendix, does not appear in the "Book of Commandments," as was originally intended, but will be found as Section 100 of the 1835 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants and as Section 108 in all subsequent editions.

DC 17:Intro SECTION 17 This section is a compilation of instructions received from time to time in connection with the organization of the church. The "Book of Commandments" describes the section as "the Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ, given in Fayette, New York, June, 1830," but that part of the instruction which set the date for the organization of the church was given prior to April 6, 1830. Joseph wrote in "Times and Seasons" (3:928): "In this manner did the Lord continue to give us instructions from time to time concerning the duties which now devolved upon us, and among many other things of the kind, we obtained of him the following, by the spirit of prophecy and revelation, which not only gave us much information, but also pointed out to us the precise day upon which according to his will and commandment, we should proceed to organize his church once again, here upon the earth." All editions of the Doctrine and Covenants include paragraphs 16 and 17 of this section, which did not appear in the "Book of Commandments." This further instruction was probably received after July 20, 1833, and selected for inclusion with related material in this section on the same principle as other material received at different times.

DC 26:Intro SECTION 26 The first paragraph of this revelation was given to Joseph Smith, Jr., early in August 1830 at Harmony, Pennsylvania, and was written down at that time. It was given through the personal ministry of a "heavenly messenger" as Joseph was seeking wine for the Sacrament which he and his wife and John Whitmer (Joseph's secretary at the time) wished to share with Newel Knight and his wife. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Knight had just been confirmed. The "Book of Commandments" gives the date of this revelation as September 4, 1830. This was probably when the later paragraphs of the revelation were received.

DC 96:Intro SECTION 96 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., to Elder John Murdock, on august 1832, at Kirtland, Ohio. Murdock's wife Julia had died on April 30, 1831, after giving birth that day to twins, Julia and Joseph. Joseph and Emma Smith soon adopted these twins. In 1832 Murdock sent his older three children (with means for their support) to Bishop Edward Partridge in Missouri, and in April 1833 left for a mission to the eastern part of the United States. Through an oversight the date "August 1833" was assigned to this revelation in the 1864 edition; hence the number "96," when it should have been "83."

DC 107:Intro SECTION 107 This statement was removed from the main body of the book by the action of the 1970 World Conference. Its subject is primarily concerned with arrangements for the construction of a boardinghouse in Nauvoo and with the practice of the ordinance of baptism for the dead. It will be noted that several paragraphs are devoted to references to such practices as "washings," "anointings," and "memorials for your sacrifices" and matters which "have been kept hid from before the foundation of the world" (paragraphs 10, 11, 12, 13). Concerning such esoteric practices the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints declared as early as April 9, 1886, that "we know of no temple building, except as edifices wherein to worship God, and no endowment except the endowment of the Holy Spirit of the kind experienced by the early saints on Pentecost Day." And also, "that 'baptism for the dead' belongs to those local questions of which the body has said by resolution: 'That the commandments of a local character, given to the first organization of the church, are binding on the Reorganization only so far as they are either reiterated or referred to as binding by commandments to this church.' And that principle has neither been reiterated nor referred to as a commandment" (Conference Resolution 308, paragraphs 2, 3). Instruction to the church bearing on this matter is contained in a revelation through W. Wallace Smith on April 5, 1968, referring to temple building in which the church is told that "there is no provision for secret ordinances now or ever" and that one temple function is priesthood education (Doctrine and Covenants 149A:6). This section is retained in the Appendix for its historical value in relation to the development of ordinances for the dead and other ordinances for which the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints finds no justification either in the historical scriptures or in the documents approved by the church as latter--day revelation. A series of messages given by Joseph Smith, Jr., prophet and seer to the church, January 19, 1841, at Nauvoo, Illinois. A portion of it was published in "Times and Seasons," June 1, 1841, vol. 2, page 424. It was first included in the 1844 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants as Section 103. It has been included in every succeeding edition since that date. With other sections of the Doctrine and Covenants, it came under the blanket motion passed in the General Conference of 1878. GENERAL CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO. 215 "That this body, representing the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, recognize the Holy Scriptures, the Book of Mormon, the revelations of God contained in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, and all other revelations which have been or shall be revealed through God's appointed prophet, which have been or may be hereafter accepted by the church as the standard of authority on all matters of church government and doctrine, and the final standard of reference on appeal in all controversies arising, or which may arise in this Church of Christ." Under this recognition it has been included in all editions of the Reorganization.

DC 110:3b To obviate this difficulty, there can be a recorder appointed in each ward of the city, who is well qualified for taking accurate minutes; and let him be very particular and precise in taking the whole proceedings, certifying in his record that he saw with his eyes and heard with his ears, giving the date and names, etc., and the history of the whole transaction;

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