Scripture Search Results

Search For: Denieth
Verses Found: 11

Genesis 26:Intro Isaac goeth to Gerar -- God blesseth him -- He denieth his wife -- Esau marrieth.

Luke 12:9 But he who denieth me before men, shall be denied before the angels of God.

1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1 John 2:23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father; but he that acknowledgeth the son hath the Father also.

2 Nephi 11:114 And he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female;

2 Nephi 12:31 Wo be unto him that crieth, All is well; yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Alma 3:66 Behold, I say unto you, Whosoever denieth this, is a liar and a child of the devil;

Mormon 4:67 Behold I say unto you, He that denieth these things, knoweth not the gospel of Christ; yea, he has not read the scriptures; if so, he does not understand them.

Moroni 8:21 And he that saith that little children need baptism, denieth the mercies of Christ, and setteth at naught the atonement of him and the power of his redemption.

Moroni 10:6 And whatsoever thing is good, is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is.

DC 10:11b Build upon my rock, which is my gospel; deny not the spirit of revelation, nor the spirit of prophecy, for woe unto him that denieth these things;

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