Scripture Search Results

Search For: Dethrone
Verses Found: 4

Mosiah 13:28 And behold, now I say unto you, Ye can not dethrone an iniquitous king, save it be through much contention, and the shedding of much blood.

Alma 21:82 Now behold, this was the desire of Amalickiah: for he being a very subtile man to do evil, therefore he laid the plan in his heart to dethrone the king of the Lamanites.

Alma 21:87 Now it was not Amalickiah's intention to give them battle, according to the commandments of the king; but behold, it was his intention to gain favor with the armies of the Lamanites, that he might place himself at their head, and dethrone the king, and take possession of the kingdom.

Ether 4:31 And it came to pass that he did dethrone his father: for he slew him with his own sword: and he did reign in his stead.

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