Scripture Search Results

Search For: Distrust
Verses Found: 4

DC 122:13b so that when the traveling council shall separate for their several fields, there may be no longer reason for distrust, suspicion, or dissension;

DC 130:8b as it tends to destroy confidence and create distrust not only in those present at councils where they occur, but to those to whom the knowledge of such a course of procedure comes by the voice of those who are present and witness what is said and done.

DC 131:4a The Spirit saith further, that the spirit of distrust and want of confidence in those who are called and ordained to act in the various responsible positions in the priesthood and in authority in the church is unbecoming those professing faith in God, Jesus Christ his Son, and the Holy Spirit of truth, and evinces a serious lack of that charity which Paul, an apostle of Christ, declared to be the quality of Christian virtue which thinketh no evil.

DC 131:4b Those who go out from the assemblies and solemn conclaves of the church should exercise great care in their ministration abroad both to the branches where they may officiate and in their preaching the gospel to those outside, to avoid sowing seeds of distrust and suspicion either in public ministration or in private conversation.

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