Scripture Search Results

Search For: Elbert
Verses Found: 3

DC 129:5 The Spirit saith further to me: To fill the vacancy caused by the releasing of Counselor R. C. Evans, present the name of my servant Elbert A. Smith, the son of my servant David H. Smith, who was taken and who awaits his reward, to be chosen, appointed, and ordained as counselor to my servant Joseph Smith and to be one of the Presidency.

DC 137:4a To maintain the working condition of the order of evangelists, let Elbert A. Smith be released from further responsibility as counselor to the president of the church, to take up the work of presiding over the order of evangelists.

DC 138:Intro SECTION 138 After Elder Elbert A. Smith was ordained Presiding Evangelist at the Conference of 1938, the First Presidency continued with Elder F. M. McDowell as the sole remaining counselor to President Frederick M. Smith. President McDowell resigned in October 1938. With the approval of the Council of Twelve, acting under the inspiration given to him at the time, President Frederick M. Smith associated Elders Israel A. Smith and L. F. P. Curry with himself in the Presidency. In the following revelation this arrangement is confirmed. The revelation was received by unanimous action of the Conference and was ordered included in the Doctrine and Covenants. To the Saints in General Conference Assembled:

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