Scripture Search Results

Search For: Extended
Verses Found: 19

Ezra 7:28 And hath extended mercy unto me before the king, and his counselors, and before all the king's mighty princes. And I was strengthened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me, and I gathered together out of Israel chief men to go up with me.

Ezra 9:9 For we were bondmen; yet our God hath not forsaken us in our bondage, but hath extended mercy unto us in the sight of the kings of Persia, to give us a reviving, to set up the house of our God, and to repair the desolations thereof, and to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem.

Psalms 16:2 Thou hast said unto me, that thou art the Lord my God, and, My goodness is extended unto thee;

Hosea 11:8 How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver thee, Israel? how shall I make thee as Admah? how shall I set thee as Zeboim? My heart is turned toward thee, and my mercies are extended to gather thee.

1 Nephi 2:62 And I beheld a rod of iron; and it extended along the bank of the river, and led to the tree by which I stood.

Jacob 4:9 And while his arm of mercy is extended towards you in the light of the day, harden not your hearts.

Mosiah 1:21 For I say unto you, that if he had not extended his arm in the preservation of our fathers, they must have fallen into the hands of the Lamanites, and become victims to their hatred.

Mosiah 8:86 Having gone according to their own carnal wills and desires; having never called upon the Lord while the arms of mercy were extended towards them;

Mosiah 8:87 For the arms of mercy were extended towards them, and they would not; they being warned of their iniquities, and yet they would not depart from them;

Alma 3:57 Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men; for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith, Repent, and I will receive you;

Alma 7:20 Yea, and even more tolerable for them in this life, than for you, except ye repent, for there are many promises which are extended to the Lamanites:

Alma 7:37 For behold, the promises of the Lord are extended to the Lamanites, but they are not unto you, if ye transgress;

Alma 12:25 Thus they were a very indolent people, many of whom did worship idols, and the curse of God had fallen upon them because of the traditions of their fathers; notwithstanding, the promises of the Lord were extended unto them, on the conditions of repentance;

Alma 12:180 And we see that his arm is extended to all people who will repent and believe on his name.

Alma 15:62 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me; yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me;

Helaman 5:102 Yea, I say unto you, that in the latter times, the promises of the Lord hath been extended to our brethren, the Lamanites;

3 Nephi 4:43 Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me.

DC 2:3c for, behold, you should not have feared man more than God, although men set at naught the counsels of God, and despise his words, yet you should have been faithful and he would have extended his arm, and supported you against all the fiery darts of the adversary; and he would have been with you in every time of trouble.

DC 139:1b "They are my chosen vessels and are qualified by experience. Their apostleship is extended in presidency and if they will go forward in loving service, their ministry will be very effective.

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