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DC 2:2b for although a man may have many revelations, and have power to do many mighty works, yet, if he boast in his own strength, and sets at naught the counsels of God, and follows after the dictates of his own will and carnal desires, he must fall and incur the vengeance of a just God upon him.

DC 76:3c for while we were doing the work of translation, which the Lord had appointed unto us, we came to the twenty-ninth verse of the fifth chapter of John, which was given unto us as follows:

DC 77:Intro SECTION 77 Revelation addressed to the high priests, given through Joseph Smith, Jr., at Hiram, Portage County, Ohio, March 1832. It is concerned with the establishment of a storehouse and the care of the poor, both in the Kirtland area and in Zion. The unusual names found in this and other revelations were probably used to hide the identity of the men and places mentioned from the enemies of the church. Identifications are suggested as follows: "City of Enoch" City of Joseph "Ahashdah" Newel K. Whitney "Gazelam" or "Enoch" Joseph Smith "Pelagoram" Sidney Rigdon

DC 81:Intro SECTION 81 Joseph Smith left Hiram, Ohio, April 1, 1832, and he and his party reached Independence, Missouri, on April 24. A general council of the church was immediately called to convene April 26, 1832. At this council more inspired instruction was received through Joseph concerning the poor and the enlargement of Zion. More unusual names are used in this revelation (see D. and C. 77). Their meanings are interpreted as follows: "Alam and Ahashdah" "Mahalaleel and Pelagoram" "Gazelam" "Horah and Olihah" "Shalemanasseh and Mehemson" "Land of Shinehah" Newel K. Whitney Sidney Rigdon Joseph Smith Oliver Cowdery Martin Harris Kirtland

DC 99:3 The number composing the council, who voted in the name and for the church in appointing the above-named councilors, were forty-three, as follows: nine high priests, seventeen elders, four priests, and thirteen members.

DC 101:Intro SECTION 101 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., April 23, 1834, at Kirtland, Ohio. A "United Order of Enoch" had been established to manage the temporal affairs of the church in Kirtland and in Zion. The Order was now in financial difficulties, largely because of losses sustained through mob action. In accordance with this revelation, the Order was now dissolved, its properties being divided among the members of the Order in such fashion as to constitute their individual stewardships. For an explanation of the unusual names used in this revelation, consult the introduction to Doctrine and Covenants 77. The probable significance of these names is as follows: The "Order" "Pelagoram" "Tahhanes" "Mahemson" "Zombre" "Gazelam" "Shederlaomach" "Olihah" The United Order of Enoch Sidney Rigdon Tannery Martin Harris John Johnson Joseph Smith Frederick G. Williams Oliver Cowdery "Lane-shine-house" "Ahashdah" "Ozondah" "Shinehah" "Shinelah" "Shinelane" "Cainhannoch" "Shule" Printing Office Newel K. Whitney Store Kirtland Print Printing New York Ashery

DC 122:8a That part of the law which says: "It is the duty of the Twelve, also, to ordain and set in order all the other officers of the church," is to be understood by the revelation which went before and in accordance with which it was written; and which follows after it in the book;

DC 122:9a The quorums in respect to authority are designed to take precedence in office as follows: The Presidency, the Twelve, the Seventy in all meetings and gatherings of the membership, where no previous organization has been effected.

DC 139:Intro SECTION 139 President Frederick Madison Smith died March 20, 1946, and was succeeded as prophet, seer, and revelator by his brother, Elder Israel A. Smith. The need to fill the quorum of the First Presidency was urgent, and the newly ordained president gave this his immediate and prayerful attention. The following revelation was presented to the quorums and to the Conference by President Israel A. Smith early in the Conference sessions. After it had been approved in the usual manner, and those named had been ordained to their respective offices, the work of the Conference proceeded under the direction of the newly constituted Presidency. To the Quorums and to the General Conference; Beloved Brethren: Realizing our urgent need to receive light and instruction in order that the quorums might be filled, I have wrestled in prayer to God in my weakness, on behalf and in the interest of the church, sensing deeply that it has been but a few hours ago when the burden of the church was laid upon me, yet in confidence and faith that God will not fail the church when called upon. In the early hours of yesterday and today I was blessed by the Spirit in power and assurance such as I have never before experienced. The mind of the Lord was manifested to me, and in the order named my brethren have been presented to me, as follows, and accordingly I have written:

DC 143:3a The voice of inspiration to me also is as follows: It is wisdom for the church to accept the direction of the council of Presidents of Seventy and complete their organization. My servants of this council should not be overcareful in selecting elders, under the law, to occupy as Seventies.

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