Scripture Search Results

Search For: Idumea
Verses Found: 6

Isaiah 34:5 For my sword shall be bathed in heaven; behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment.

Isaiah 34:6 The sword of the Lord is filled with blood, it is made fat with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams; for the Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea.

Ezekiel 35:15 As thou didst rejoice at the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was desolate, so will I do unto thee; thou shalt be desolate, O mount Seir, and all Idumea, even all of it; and they shall know that I am the Lord.

Ezekiel 36:5 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea, which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey.

Mark 3:8 But Jesus withdrew himself, with his disciples, to the sea; and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judea, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea and from beyond Jordan; and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they heard what great things he did, came unto him.

DC 1:6c and also the Lord shall have power over his saints, and shall reign in their midst, and shall come down in judgment upon Idumea*, or the world.*Idumea: Edom (ancient)

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