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Verses Found: 10

DC 65:Intro SECTION 65 Joseph Smith, Jr., and Sidney Rigdon lived in the home of John Johnson at Hiram, Ohio, during September and October 1831 while they continued work on the Holy Scriptures. Here Joseph received the following revelation on prayer.

DC 68:Intro SECTION 68 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., November 1831, at a special conference held at Hiram, Ohio. Joseph wrote, "The mind and will of the Lord was made known by the voice of the Spirit to a conference concerning certain elders, and also certain items as made known in addition to the covenants and commandments." The instructions concerning church government found in this revelation should be read in connection with the "Articles and Covenants" which now constitute Section 17. The message is specifically addressed to Orson Hyde, Luke Johnson, Lyman Johnson, and William E. McLellin, although its contents are of continuing importance to the entire church.

DC 68:1e This is the word of the Lord unto you my servant, Orson Hyde, and also unto my servant, Luke Johnson, and unto my servant, Lyman Johnson, and unto my servant, William E. McLellin; and unto all the faithful elders of my church.

DC 75:2b nevertheless I forgive him, and say unto him again, Go ye into the south countries; and let my servant Luke Johnson go with him and proclaim the things which I have commanded them,

DC 75:3b And again, verily I say unto my servant Lyman Johnson, and unto my servant Orson Pratt, They shall also take their journey into the eastern countries; and behold and lo, I am with them also even unto the end.

DC 93:Intro SECTION 93 A conference of high priests was held at Kirtland, June 4, 1833, to consider the management of the French farm. The conference could not agree concerning the farm, but did agree to ask for divine guidance. Joseph inquired of the Lord and received the following message. Ahashdah (Newel K. Whitney), who was directed to take charge of the farm, was the bishop in Kirtland. "Zombre" was John Johnson.

DC 99:2a Joseph Smith, Jr., Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams, were acknowledged presidents by the voice of the council; and Joseph Smith, Sr., John Smith, Joseph Coe, John Johnson, Martin Harris, John S. Carter, Jared Carter, Oliver Cowdery, Samuel H. Smith, Orson Hyde, Sylvester Smith, and Luke Johnson, high priests, were chosen to be a standing council for the church, by the unanimous voice of the council.

DC 99:15b Oliver Cowdery, No. 1; Joseph Coe, No. 2; Samuel H. Smith, No. 3; Luke Johnson, No. 4; John S. Carter, No. 5; Sylvester Smith, No. 6; John Johnson, No. 7; Orson Hyde, No. 8; Jared Carter, No. 9; Joseph Smith, Sr., No. 10; John Smith, No. 11; Martin Harris, No. 12

DC 101:Intro SECTION 101 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., April 23, 1834, at Kirtland, Ohio. A "United Order of Enoch" had been established to manage the temporal affairs of the church in Kirtland and in Zion. The Order was now in financial difficulties, largely because of losses sustained through mob action. In accordance with this revelation, the Order was now dissolved, its properties being divided among the members of the Order in such fashion as to constitute their individual stewardships. For an explanation of the unusual names used in this revelation, consult the introduction to Doctrine and Covenants 77. The probable significance of these names is as follows: The "Order" "Pelagoram" "Tahhanes" "Mahemson" "Zombre" "Gazelam" "Shederlaomach" "Olihah" The United Order of Enoch Sidney Rigdon Tannery Martin Harris John Johnson Joseph Smith Frederick G. Williams Oliver Cowdery "Lane-shine-house" "Ahashdah" "Ozondah" "Shinehah" "Shinelah" "Shinelane" "Cainhannoch" "Shule" Printing Office Newel K. Whitney Store Kirtland Print Printing New York Ashery

DC 107:41b Seymour Brunson I have taken unto myself; no man taketh his priesthood, but another may be appointed unto the same priesthood in his stead (and verily I say unto you, let my servant Aaron Johnson be ordained unto this calling in his stead), David Fulmer, Alpheus Cutler, William Huntington.

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