Scripture Search Results

Search For: Question
Verses Found: 27

Mark 8:10 And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him.

Mark 11:31 And Jesus answered and said unto them, I will also ask of you one question, answer me, and then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

Luke 20:40 And after that they durst not ask him any question at all.

John 3:26 Then there arose a question between some of John's disciples, and the Jews, about purifying.

Acts 15:2 When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question.

Acts 18:15 But if it be a question of words and names, and of your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters.

Acts 19:40 For we are in danger to be called in question for this day's uproar, there being no cause whereby we may give an account of this concourse.

Acts 23:6 But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee; of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question.

Acts 24:21 Except it be for this one voice, that I cried standing among them, Touching the resurrection of the dead I am called in question by you this day.

1 Corinthians 10:25 Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience' sake;

Mosiah 7:71 And it came to pass that they said unto the king, Bring him hither, that we may question him.

Mosiah 7:73 And they began to question him, that they might cross him, that thereby they might have wherewith to accuse him;

Alma 8:19 Nevertheless, there were some among them who thought to question them, that by their cunning devices they might catch them in their words, that they might find witness against them, that they might deliver them to the Judges,

Alma 8:23 And it came to pass that they began to question Amulek, that thereby they might make him cross his words, or contradict the words which he should speak.

Alma 8:25 But it came to pass as they began to question him, he perceived their thoughts, and he said unto them, O ye wicked and perverse generation; ye lawyers and hypocrites; for ye are laying the foundations of the devil;

Alma 8:67 And this Zeezrom began to question Amulek, saying: Will ye answer me a few questions which I shall ask you?

Alma 16:203 Yea, even that ye would have so much faith as even to plant the word in your hearts, that ye may try the experiment of its goodness; and we have beheld that the great question which is in your minds, is whether the word be in the Son of God, or whether there shall be no Christ.

Helaman 3:89 Nevertheless, they caused that Nephi should be taken and bound and brought before the multitude, and they began to question him in divers ways, and they might cross him, that they might accuse him to death:

DC 43:Intro SECTION 43 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., February 1831 at Kirtland, Ohio. It is addressed to the elders of the church, and contains directions sought by Joseph for the guidance of some who had been misled by a Mrs. Hubble, who claimed to have received "revelations" concerning the government of the church. A similar difficulty had arisen in connection with Hiram Page's "peepstone" (see section 27). The church was not again disturbed over this question until the death of Joseph Smith in 1844.

DC 50:4b now when a man reasoneth, he is understood of man, because he reasoneth as a man; even so will I, the Lord, reason with you that you may understand: wherefore I, the Lord, asketh you this question, Unto what were ye ordained?

DC 50:4d Behold, ye shall answer this question yourselves, nevertheless I will be merciful unto you; he that is weak among you hereafter shall be made strong.

DC 99:13b The latter can only be called in question by the general authorities of the church in case of transgression.

DC 121:1a At the April session of conference of 1885, during the consideration of the sustaining of the officers of the church made the special order for the 11th, when David H. Smith, second counselor to the President, was presented, the question was asked whether any communication had been received in regard to it.

DC 121:2a When the Quorum of the Twelve were presented the question was again asked: Has any information been received concerning said quorum?

DC 126:3 I asked the question who these men occupying the upper row of seats were, and I was told that they were evangelical ministers, called to minister in spiritual blessings to the church and to preach the gospel undeterred by the burden of the care and anxiety of presiding over missions and districts.

DC 126:10b To this question I was answered, that the Book of Doctrine and Covenants as accepted by the church was to guide the advice and action of the Bishopric, taken as a whole, each revelation contained therein having its appropriate bearing upon each of the others and their relation thereto;

DC 126:11 In case of transgression in his office the Bishop should be called in question before the council which is provided for in the law, to which court all the general officers of the church are to be subject.

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