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DC 16:Intro SECTION 16 Although Martin Harris is not mentioned in this revelation given in June 1829, at Fayette, he joined Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer in selecting the first apostles in the Quorum of Twelve in the Restoration. The selection was made at Kirtland, February 14, 1835. Those chosen were ordained under the hands of Oliver, David, and Martin (the Three Witnesses), each praying separately.

DC 104:Intro SECTION 104 The first members of the Council of Twelve of the Restoration were chosen February 14, 1835. At a meeting held to prepare for their first mission as a quorum of apostles, the brethren asked Joseph Smith to inquire of God and attain a revelation for their comfort and for their enlightenment concerning their duty. In response to this request, the following instruction was received through Joseph at Kirtland, Ohio, March 28, 1835.

DC 104:11b Of the Melchisedec priesthood, three presiding high priests, chosen by the body, appointed and ordained to that office, and upheld by the confidence, faith, and prayer of the church, form a quorum of the Presidency of the church.

DC 104:11d And they form a quorum equal in authority and power to the three presidents previously mentioned.

DC 104:11e The seventy are also called to preach the gospel, and to be especial witnesses unto the Gentiles and in all the world--thus differing from other officers in the church in the duties of their calling; and they form a quorum equal in authority to that of the twelve especial witnesses, or apostles, just named.

DC 104:11f And every decision made by either of these quorums must be by the unanimous voice of the same; that is, every member in each quorum must be agreed to its decisions, in order to make their decisions of the same power or validity one with the other.

DC 104:11g (A majority may form a quorum, when circumstances render it impossible to be otherwise.)

DC 104:11h Unless this is the case, their decisions are not entitled to the same blessings which the decisions of a quorum of three presidents were anciently, who were ordained after the order of Melchisedec, and were righteous and holy men.

DC 104:14 The standing high councils, at the stakes of Zion, form a quorum equal in authority, in the affairs of the church, in all their decisions, to the quorum of the Presidency or to the traveling high council.

DC 104:15 The high council in Zion forms a quorum equal in authority, in the affairs of the church, in all their decisions, to the councils of the twelve at the stakes of Zion.

DC 105:Intro SECTION 105 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., July 23, 1837, at Kirtland, Ohio. Having been received subsequent to the publication of the first (1835) edition of the Doctrine and Covenants, it was included in the second (1844) edition as Section 104. This edition was issued after the death of Joseph Smith. Specific approval for the continued publication of this section was given by the 1970 World Conference. This revelation is addressed to Thomas B. Marsh, president of the Council of Twelve, and was apparently prompted by his prayers concerning his brethren in the quorum. Elder Marsh's concern was itself prompted by a rift between Joseph and some of the apostles cause by financial and other difficulties in Kirtland. Note paragraphs 5, 6, 11, and 12 in this connection.

DC 107:19a Behold, verily I say unto you, Let my servant George Miller, and my servant Lyman Wight, and my servant John Snider, and my servant Peter Haws, organize themselves, and appoint one of them to be a president over their quorum for the purpose of building that house.

DC 107:34b and let him repent of all his folly, and clothe himself with charity, and cease to do evil, and lay aside all his hard speeches, and pay stock also into the hands of the quorum of the Nauvoo House, for himself and for his generation after him, from generation to generation,

DC 107:35a And again, verily I say unto you, Let no man pay stock to the quorum of the Nauvoo House unless he shall be a believer in the Book of Mormon and the revelations I have given unto you, saith the Lord your God;

DC 107:36a And again, verily I say unto you, Let the quorum of the Nauvoo House have a just recompense of wages for all their labors which they do in building the Nauvoo House, and let their wages be as shall be agreed among themselves, as pertaining to the price thereof;

DC 107:39b I give unto him for counselors my servant Sidney Rigdon and my servant William Law, that these may constitute a quorum and First Presidency, to receive the oracles for the whole church.

DC 107:42a And again, I give unto you Don C. Smith to be a president over a quorum of high priests, which ordinance is instituted for the purpose of qualifying those who shall be appointed standing presidents or servants over different stakes scattered abroad, and they may travel, also, if they choose, but rather be ordained for standing presidents; this is the office of their calling, saith the Lord your God.

DC 107:42b I give unto him Amasa Lyman and Noah Packard for counselors, that they may preside over the quorum of high priests of my church, saith the Lord.

DC 107:43 And again I say unto you, I give unto you John A. Hicks, Samuel Williams, and Jesse Baker, which priesthood is to preside over the quorum of elders, which quorum is instituted for standing ministers; nevertheless they may travel, yet they are ordained to be standing ministers to my church, saith the Lord.

DC 107:44a And again, I give unto you Joseph Young, Josiah Butterfield, Daniel Miles, Henry Herriman, Zera Pulsipher, Levi Hancock, James Foster, to preside over the quorum of seventies, which quorum is instituted for traveling elders to bear record of my name in all the world, wherever the traveling high council, my apostles, shall send them to prepare a way before my face.

DC 107:44b The difference between this quorum and the quorum of elders is, that one is to travel continually, and the other is to preside over the churches from time to time;

DC 116:Intro SECTION 116 Revelation given through President Joseph Smith III, May 4, 1865. A council of the first Presidency and the Quorum of Twelve was in session at the home of Bishop Israel L. Rogers in Kendall County, Illinois, May 1-5, 1865. Among other things the council was concerned about "the ordination of men of the Negro race." President Joseph Smith was asked to seek divine guidance in this connection, and the revelation was received in response to the fasting and prayers of the members of the council. It should be studied against the background of the American Civil War and with the social and educational status of the American Negro of that period in mind. The revelation was presented to the Quorum of Twelve, who voted unanimously to approve it. The semiannual conference of 1878 authorized its inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants.

DC 116:3a Loosen ye one another's hands and uphold one another, that ye who are of the Quorum of Twelve, may all labor in the vineyard, for upon you rests much responsibility;

DC 116:3b and if ye labor diligently the time is soon when others shall be added to your number till the quorum be full, even twelve.

DC 117:Intro SECTION 117 As he approached the annual conference of 1873, President Smith was deeply concerned that he was again the only member of the First Presidency (Counselor William Marks had died in May 1872) and that the death of Apostle Samuel Powers in February 1873 had left the Quorum of Twelve with but five members. This concern was shared by the remaining members of the Twelve, and these were joined by a number of the Seventy in requesting that the prophet seek divine guidance. In presenting the following revelation to the elders of the church, President Smith stated that it had been received "in answer to long and continued and earnest prayer to God upon the condition of the Quorums of the Church." The revelation was approved by the available apostles and, on April 10, 1873, was endorsed by the conference. With the ordination of William Wallace Blair and David H. Smith, as provided for in this instruction, the quorum of the First Presidency was now complete for the first time since the reorganization of the church. This was also the first time in the Reorganization that members of the Twelve had been called by revelation through the President of the Church. Prior to this time, and on occasions in the early church, members of the Twelve had been selected by committees.

DC 117:3c and let my servants, the president of the high priests' quorum and the president of the lesser priesthood, also lay their hands upon these their brethren who are to be counselors, but let my servants of the Twelve be the spokesmen.

DC 117:4a Let my servants William H. Kelley, Thomas W. Smith, James Caffall, John H. Lake, Alexander H. Smith, Zenas H. Gurley, and Joseph R. Lambert, be chosen as especial witnesses, even of the Quorum of Twelve, for they are called thereunto, that they may take this ministry upon them.

DC 117:6 Let the names of my servants Daniel B. Rasey and Reuben Newkirk be taken from the record of the Quorum of the Twelve and placed with the records of the names of the elders, and let them labor as elders, and their labors will be accepted by me.

DC 117:7c It is expedient for the good of my cause that my servant Jason take the active oversight of this quorum.

DC 117:9a Until such time as the quorum of the Twelve shall be filled, the decision of that quorum, a unanimous decision, shall be accounted final, as if such quorum were filled, according to my law as given in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants.

DC 117:9b And until such time as the quorum of the Seventy shall be filled, their decision, if unanimous and agreeing with that of the quorum of the Twelve, shall be considered the same as if the quorum were filled.

DC 119:Intro SECTION 119 Revelation given through Joseph Smith III, April 11, 1887, at Kirtland, Ohio. This inspired instruction was received after the General Conference had observed Saturday, April 9, as a day of fasting and prayer for light concerning "the depleted condition of the Quorum of the Twelve." To the Elders of the Church: Thus saith the Spirit:

DC 119:1a It is not yet expedient that the Quorum of the Twelve shall be filled; nevertheless separate my servants, James W. Gillen, Heman C. Smith, Joseph Luff, and Gomer T. Griffiths, unto the office of apostles, that the quorum may be more perfectly prepared to act before me.

DC 120:Intro SECTION 120 The members of the Quorum of Twelve who were present at the General Conference of 1887 remained in Kirtland and on April 21, 1887, issued an "Epistle" which discussed the duties of branch and district presidents and other matters. The Quorum revised this "Epistle" in 1888 and then asked the General Conference to endorse it. Action was postponed until 1889 and then until 1890. Under these circumstances the Quorum of Twelve asked the President of the Church to seek divine guidance, and in response to their prayers the following revelation was received through President Joseph Smith. It is dated April 8, 1890, at Lamoni, Iowa, and is addressed to "The First Presidency and Traveling High Council" (the Council of Twelve). Unto my servants, the First Presidency and the traveling High Council of my church; thus saith the Spirit:

DC 120:1a The epistle is to be left without approval, or disapproval by the conference, as the judgment of the Quorum of the Twelve, until further experience shall have tested the matters therein stated.

DC 120:1c When branches and districts are organized, they should be so organized by direction of the conferences, or by the personal presence and direction of the Twelve, or some member of that quorum who may be in charge, if practicable;

DC 120:8 That the traveling council of the Twelve may be better prepared to act as a quorum, my servant A. H. Smith may be chosen president of the Twelve, and any one of the council be chosen to act as its secretary, until the quorum be filled, or other instruction be given.

DC 120:10a The presidents of Seventy are instructed to select from the several quorums of elders such as are qualified and in a condition to take upon them the office of Seventy, that they may be ordained unto the filling of the first quorum of Seventy.

DC 121:2a When the Quorum of the Twelve were presented the question was again asked: Has any information been received concerning said quorum?

DC 122:Intro SECTION 122 During the General Conference of 1894 the First Presidency, the Quorum of Twelve, and the Quorum of High Priests held a joint meeting at which they discussed their respective callings and responsibilities. A report of this Council was submitted to the Conference, but since the Twelve felt that the report did not cover all the issues under consideration they adopted a resolution requesting President Smith to "ask for further revelation in explanation of the authority and duties of the several quorums and their members, also for instruction providing for filling the vacancies in the leading quorums, including a designation of the Patriarch, if it shall be the pleasure of our heavenly Father to so enlighten us." The revelation given to President Smith, April 15, 1894, at Lamoni, Iowa, in answer to the petitions of the Saints, was endorsed by the quorums and the Conference, but it was not until the General Conference of 1897 that its inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants was authorized. I was, on the fifteenth day of the fourth month, of the year 1894, in fasting and prayer before the Lord, and being commanded of the Spirit I arose from my praying and wrote: Thus saith the Spirit unto the elders and the church:

DC 122:4a It is not yet expedient in me that the Quorum of the Presidency, and the Quorum of the Twelve apostles shall be filled, for reasons which will be seen and known unto you in due time.

DC 122:5b the one whom I had called to preside over the church, had not yet approved himself unto the scattered flock; and I gave this command unto the quorum next in authority in spiritual things that the scattered ones, and those who had been made to suffer might have assurance that I would not suffer that he whom I had called should betray the confidence of the faithful, nor squander the moneys of the treasury for the purposes of self.

DC 122:5f Whatever burden the quorum may have felt rested upon them in this regard, they are now absolved from, the end designed by it having been reached;

DC 122:5g except that should it become apparent to the quorum that there was abuse in the administration of the temporal affairs of the church, they shall at once make such inquiry and examination through the proper officers of the church as will correct the evil and save the church from injury.

DC 122:6g these last named being within the province of the Presidency, the Twelve as a quorum, the councils or other officers of the branches or stakes where houses of worship are to be built, the conferences and the general assembly of the church, and the direction of the Lord by revelation.

DC 122:15 My servant Thomas W. Smith is in my hand; and his bishopric shall be continued for a season; if he fully recover he will enter again into the work; if I take him unto myself, another will be appointed in his stead when the quorum is filled.

DC 123:14a Resolved that the members of the Quorum of Twelve and the Presidency be requested to write tracts on such gospel topics as each may select, all of which shall be placed in the hands of the Presidency for examination;

DC 123:23a The following opinion of the First Presidency, as communicated to the Quorum of the Twelve, in 1890, was adopted as the opinion of this joint council:

DC 123:23b "As a traveling, presiding council, your quorum has the active supervision and presidency, under the First Presidency, over the entire field of ministerial labor, and control over districts, branches, and the ministry as a whole and as church organizations, and not as local presiding officers in these several organizations;

DC 124:Intro SECTION 124 Revelation given through Joseph Smith III at Lamoni, Iowa, April 1897. The Twelve had renewed their request of 1894 for direction concerning the calling and responsibilities of patriarch-evangelists. They and the church in general were also anxious that the presiding quorums should be more nearly filled. Temporary completion of the First Presidency and more permanent completion of the Quorum of Twelve were authorized in this revelation. This was the first time that the Twelve had been filled since the Reorganization.

DC 124:3 The Quorum of Twelve, my servants, may choose and appoint one of their number to take the place of my servant Alexander H. Smith, and if they shall choose William H. Kelley, from among them for this place it will be pleasing unto me; nevertheless, if directed by the spirit of revelation and wisdom they may choose another.

DC 124:4a And, that the quorum may be filled and be prepared to stand as a unit in the councils of the church, in equality with the Presidency and the Seventy, choose and set apart to act as apostles in the Quorum of Twelve, my servants I. N. White, J. W. Wight, and R. C. Evans, for they are called unto this office and calling.

DC 124:4b And, if these will accept this appointment and remain humble, faithful, and diligent, they shall with their brethren be greatly blessed in ministering the word and bringing souls unto me. Let the quorum be not doubting but believing and I, the Lord, will bless them.

DC 124:5a My servants, the presidents of the Seventy, may with the consent and approval of their brethren of the Seventy sitting in council together, select from their brethren one to take the place of my servant I. N. White, if he accept the appointment to the Quorum of Twelve, and his choosing be approved by the church;

DC 124:6c and when either quorum is sitting in council, as a quorum, then its chosen president shall preside over its sittings.

DC 124:6d When any quorum of the Seventy may be sitting, any one, or all of the seven presidents, may at their request, or by invitation of such quorum, be present and take part in the deliberations of such council, but the president of such quorum only shall preside, except by consent of the quorum obtained by vote properly taken.

DC 125:5b Besides these duties, the patriarch may meet with quorums in their quorum meetings, where he may be asked for counsel, but will not have either voice or vote, except by courtesy, having no direct control of quorums.

DC 126:2b On that platform I saw the quorum of the Presidency, the Bishopric, the Twelve, and a line above the Twelve on the seat behind them, a number of the brethren, including four of the present members of the Twelve and the patriarchs now ordained and recognized in the church.

DC 126:2c The Quorum of the Twelve was filled, and the places of the four whom I saw on the upper tier of seats were occupied by others known to the church.

DC 126:7a The names of those of the present Quorum of Twelve whom I saw upon the upper tier of seats were James Caffall, John H. Lake, Edmund C. Briggs, and Joseph R. Lambert. These were sitting with the other evangelical ministers.

DC 126:7b Those whom I saw sitting with the Quorum of the Twelve were Frederick A. Smith, Francis M. Sheehy, Ulysses W. Greene, Cornelius A. Butterworth, and John W. Rushton.

DC 127:Intro SECTION 127 In the first decade of the twentieth century, the establishment of the Independence and Lamoni stakes (1901) and the kingdom concern of President Frederick M. Smith combined with other favorable factors to quicken church-wide interest in the Gathering. The building of Zionic institutions is vital to any significant gathering. By 1906 Graceland College had weathered her fist ten difficult years, the Saints' Home was giving good ministry, and leading women were showing interest in a children's home. At the pre-Conference sessions of April 1906, the First Presidency recommended to the Quorum of Twelve that a sanitarium be established with Dr. Joseph Luff of that quorum as its presiding officer. The Twelve favored the basic proposal, but expressed concern regarding the assignment of an apostle to the responsibilities proposed for Dr. Luff. The Quorum stated that they would "gladly engage in an effort to learn the Master's will" in this matter. The prayerful inquiries resulting from this action prepared the way for the following revelation given through President Joseph Smith. It was presented to the General Conference, April 14, 1906, at Independence, Missouri, and accepted by unanimous vote. Thus saith the Spirit unto the Church:

DC 129:2a My servant Joseph Luff cannot fulfill the duties of a member of the Quorum of Twelve in actively looking after and caring for the missionary work in the field and discharge the duties of his calling as a physician ministering to the many seeking his advice and aid with safety to himself and others.

DC 129:2b It is wise therefore that the church release him from the responsibilities of the active apostleship as a member of the quorum, that he may act unreservedly in his calling.

DC 129:2c Another may be chosen to the office in the quorum. He has been faithful, and his record and reward are in my hand.

DC 129:3a That the historian of the church, my servant Heman C. Smith, may more freely and efficiently pursue his duties and privileges as historian, the church may release him from the burden attendant upon him as an apostle in the quorum and choose another to occupy therein.

DC 129:4 These my servants who are relieved from their responsibilities of the quorum work have wrought well in their service with their fellow-servants, and must retain their right to labor in the ministry, holding the high priesthood and entitled to all that appertains to that calling when need requires or wisdom directs.

DC 129:6a The Spirit saith further: In order that the places of those taken from the Twelve may be supplied and the quorum filled that it may act as a whole, my servants J. F. Curtis and Robert C. Russell may be chosen and set apart to the office of apostles and be enrolled and sustained in the quorum.

DC 129:7b These men in their office are an order in the priesthood, the same as the high councils of the church and the stakes and as the bishops who hold as high priests, as the quorum of the twelve, and as the presidency are but orders in the priesthood, there being but two priesthoods; and these are orders in the Melchisedec priesthood.

DC 130:2a Thus saith the voice of the Spirit: In order that the Quorum of Twelve may be placed in better condition to carry on the work of the ministry in various fields of occupation,

DC 130:2b it is expedient that Elders W. H. Kelley, I. N. White, and J. W. Wight be released from the active duties of the apostolic quorum, on account of increasing infirmities of age and incapacity, caused by illness of body,

DC 130:3a It is also expedient that Elder Frederick A. Smith be released from the quorum activities, that he may take the place of his father, Elder Alexander H. Smith, as the Presiding Patriarch of the church.

DC 130:4a To fill the vacancies caused by the release of these elders from the apostolic quorum, Elders James E. Kelley, William M. Aylor, Paul M. Hanson, and James A. Gillen may be chosen and ordained as apostles to take with others of the quorum active oversight of the labors in the ministerial field.

DC 130:4b These servants, so called and chosen, if faithful, will receive the blessings which those have enjoyed who have preceded them in the apostolic quorum,

DC 133:Intro SECTION 133 Revelation given through President Frederick Madison Smith at Independence, Missouri, April 7, 1920. This message was submitted first to the General Conference and then presented to the various quorums. After it was approved by the quorums and the Conference, provision was made for its inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants. To the Church: Having given to the general missionary needs of the church and the condition of the Quorum of Twelve much thought and prayer, I am permitted to say to the church by way of instruction, through inspiration received:

DC 133:1 Let Francis M. Sheehy and Peter Andersen be released from the Quorum of Twelve; and to fill the vacancies created by these releases let Myron A. McConley and Thomas W. Williams be ordained apostles.

DC 133:2a Let the Quorum of Twelve be admonished that to discharge the responsibilities of the burden of the missionary work upon them, they should in humility before God and in sincerity of purpose apply themselves to this great task with unreserved devotion. The work in this line must be hastened.

DC 134:3 To fill the vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve let the following be ordained apostles: Clyde F. Ellis, John F. Garver, Daniel T. Williams, F. Henry Edwards, Edmund J. Gleazer, Roy S. Budd.

DC 134:4 Let James A. Gillen be ordained president of the Quorum of Twelve.

DC 134:6a And let the Quorum of Twelve be further admonished that upon them rests the onerous burden of the missionary work of the church,

DC 136:Intro SECTION 136 The widespread financial and economic depression which began near the close of 1929 put the church into serious financial difficulties. Early in 1930 the counselors in the Presiding Bishopric resigned; and by agreement between the Presidency, Twelve, and Presiding Bishop, Bishops L. F. P. Curry and G. Leslie DeLapp were chosen to serve as counselors to Bishop Albert Carmichael subject to the action of the next General Conference. The following revelation was approved by the quorums and the Conference. To the Church: To the condition of the church and the personnel of the Quorum of Twelve and Presiding Bishopric I have in official capacity as well as in personal meditation and prayer given much thought, and have earnestly sought divine wisdom and guidance. Believing that such wisdom and inspiration have been given me, I present the following as the word of the Lord to us now:

DC 136:2 To fill a vacancy existing in the number of the Twelve, let George G. Lewis be set apart and ordained as an apostle, and take his place with that quorum, and enter with his brethren upon the active work of the apostolic quorum and as representatives of the church.

DC 137:Intro SECTION 137 Revelation given through President Frederick M. Smith at Independence, Missouri, April 7, 1938. The conference adopted this "communication with its provisions as the voice of divine inspiration to the church." To the Church: Since the creation of two vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve I have been quite concerned about the condition of that quorum, as well as other bodies in the church, and after due meditation and prayer for divine light, I am permitted to present the following for the consideration and action of the conference members:

DC 137:1 Let J. Frank Curtis, of the Twelve, who has long and faithfully served in that quorum, be honorably released from further responsibility as an apostle, and take place in the ranks of the order of evangelists.

DC 137:2 To fill the vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve, let the following named brethren be ordained and set apart as apostles: C. George Mesley, Arthur A. Oakman, and Charles R. Hield.

DC 138:1a As a result of the conditions existing when the Joint Council of First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve and Presiding Bishopric, met in October, 1938, Brother Floyd M. McDowell, Second Counselor, presented his resignation to me to take effect immediately.

DC 138:1b This left the President without Counselors; and to meet the situation, acting under such inspirational impulsions as were given me at the moment, I presented the names of Brethren Israel A. Smith and Lemuel F. P. Curry to fill the vacancies in the First Presidency, these selections being unanimously approved by the Quorum of Twelve.

DC 139:Intro SECTION 139 President Frederick Madison Smith died March 20, 1946, and was succeeded as prophet, seer, and revelator by his brother, Elder Israel A. Smith. The need to fill the quorum of the First Presidency was urgent, and the newly ordained president gave this his immediate and prayerful attention. The following revelation was presented to the quorums and to the Conference by President Israel A. Smith early in the Conference sessions. After it had been approved in the usual manner, and those named had been ordained to their respective offices, the work of the Conference proceeded under the direction of the newly constituted Presidency. To the Quorums and to the General Conference; Beloved Brethren: Realizing our urgent need to receive light and instruction in order that the quorums might be filled, I have wrestled in prayer to God in my weakness, on behalf and in the interest of the church, sensing deeply that it has been but a few hours ago when the burden of the church was laid upon me, yet in confidence and faith that God will not fail the church when called upon. In the early hours of yesterday and today I was blessed by the Spirit in power and assurance such as I have never before experienced. The mind of the Lord was manifested to me, and in the order named my brethren have been presented to me, as follows, and accordingly I have written:

DC 139:1a "It is my will, saith the Spirit, that my servants of the Quorum of Twelve, John F. Garver and F. Henry Edwards, be ordained and set apart to be counselors to my servant, the president of the church, and to be presidents in the Quorum of the First Presidency.

DC 139:2a "To fill one of the vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, I have presented to my servant the name of D. Blair Jensen of the High Priests Quorum, who is called and chosen to this office, and should be ordained and set apart as a special witness in the Quorum of Twelve."

DC 140:2 To fill vacancies already existing, let Roscoe E. Davey and Maurice L. Draper, now serving as Seventies, be ordained Apostles and occupy with their brethren in the Quorum of Twelve.

DC 140:3 My servant John W. Rushton has served his generation and the church long and faithfully, and he is honorably released from further responsibility as a member of the Quorum of Twelve, continuing to minister in his priesthood as he can and may desire, without specific assignment. His works are with me and his reward is sure.

DC 141:3 In order that the Council of Twelve may be filled and the work of that Quorum be carried forward, it is my will that my servants Percy E. Farrow and Reed M. Holmes be ordained and set apart unto the apostolic office and appointed to mission responsibility.

DC 141:6a Let the Seventies under appointment as far as practicable relieve my servants of the Quorum of Twelve from labor in outlying or undeveloped areas, and let the Twelve seek to perfect the work in regions closer to the Center, opening up the work in new places.

DC 142:Intro SECTION 142 Revelation presented by President Israel A. Smith to the General Conference on April 2, 1950. It was considered and approved by the quorums and the Conference and accepted as the word of God to the church. Provision was made for its inclusion in future editions of the Doctrine and Covenants. In an introductory paragraph, the prophet said: "We approach the general Conference with a vacancy in our official circle. The death of President Garver left the Quorum of the First Presidency incomplete. This and other conditions have given me grave concern for the church. "I have earnestly sought divine guidance, and it is with gratitude that I am able to transmit through the appointed channels that which the voice of inspiration directs me to say:" To the Elders and to the Church:

DC 142:1b it is my will that William Wallace Smith be ordained and set apart to take his place as counselor to the president of the high priesthood and as a member of the Quorum of the First Presidency, to which office he is now called.

DC 142:2 To fill the vacancy thus created in the Quorum of Twelve, Donald O. Chesworth is called. He should be ordained to the office of an apostle, and be relieved of his present bishopric, and assume the duties of a special witness in that council.

DC 143:Intro SECTION 143 Revelation given through President Israel A. Smith during the World Conference of 1954. A vacancy in the Quorum of Twelve and the need for more seventies to meet the opportunities for missionary expansion had occupied the thought and prayers of the prophet. After some debate the revelation was approved in the usual manner. To the Councils, Quorums, and Orders of the Church and to the General Conference:

DC 144:1 As I am about to go overseas and realize the usual hazards of travel, and being ever conscious of the uncertainties of life and the certainty of death, and in order that my demise, whether soon or longer postponed, may not cause confusion, I hereby declare that in the event of my death, whenever it shall occur, my brother, William Wallace Smith, should be selected to succeed me as president of the high priesthood of the church, this having been manifested to me by the Lord at the time he was chosen and set apart as an apostle and again when he was called to be a counselor and member of the Quorum of the First Presidency, at the General Conference of 1950.

End of Search Results