Scripture Search Results

Search For: Scrip
Verses Found: 10

1 Samuel 17:40 And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand; and he drew near to the Philistine.

Matthew 10:9 Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves; for the workman is worthy of his meat.

Mark 6:9 And he called the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits; and commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, nor bread, nor money in their purse; but should be shod with sandals, and not take two coats.

Luke 9:3 And he said unto them, Take nothing for your journey, neither staves, nor scrip, neither bread, neither money; neither have two coats apiece.

Luke 10:4 Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes; nor salute any man by the way.

Luke 22:35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse and scrip, or shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.

Luke 22:36 Then said he unto them, I say unto you again, He who hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he who hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.

DC 23:7c And thou shalt take no purse, nor scrip, neither staves, neither two coats, for the church shall give unto thee in the very hour what thou needest for food, and for raiment and for shoes, and for money, and for scrip; for thou art called to prune my vineyard with a mighty pruning, yea, even for the last time.

DC 83:13b for I suffered them not to have purse or scrip, neither two coats; behold, I send you out to prove the world, and the laborer is worthy of his hire.

DC 83:15a Therefore, let no man among you (for this commandment is unto all the faithful who are called of God in the church, unto the ministry,) from this hour, take purse or scrip, that goeth forth to proclaim this gospel of the kingdom.

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