Scripture Search Results

Search For: Session
Verses Found: 6

DC 116:Intro SECTION 116 Revelation given through President Joseph Smith III, May 4, 1865. A council of the first Presidency and the Quorum of Twelve was in session at the home of Bishop Israel L. Rogers in Kendall County, Illinois, May 1-5, 1865. Among other things the council was concerned about "the ordination of men of the Negro race." President Joseph Smith was asked to seek divine guidance in this connection, and the revelation was received in response to the fasting and prayers of the members of the council. It should be studied against the background of the American Civil War and with the social and educational status of the American Negro of that period in mind. The revelation was presented to the Quorum of Twelve, who voted unanimously to approve it. The semiannual conference of 1878 authorized its inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants.

DC 121:1a At the April session of conference of 1885, during the consideration of the sustaining of the officers of the church made the special order for the 11th, when David H. Smith, second counselor to the President, was presented, the question was asked whether any communication had been received in regard to it.

DC 121:3 On the 14th of the month, the eighth day of the session, when the mission of Elder E.C. Briggs was being considered, the following instruction was presented as the will of the Lord concerning the Chicago mission, over which some trouble had occurred:

DC 123:30b Brother Gomer T. Griffiths was excused and left for home on the 23d, and brother E.A. Blakeslee at noon on the 25th. Brother Joseph Luff was then chosen secretary for the closing session.

DC 126:12 After much thought and pondering upon what I had seen as related above, together with the information contained in the answers to my inquiries, I did not see my way clear to present the matters therein contained in yesterday's session until the church had by its votes sustained the officers of the quorums referred to.

DC 130:Intro SECTION 130 Instruction given through President Joseph Smith III, April 14, 1913, at Lamoni, Iowa. It was endorsed by the quorums and the assembly as a revelation from God, and the Conference authorized its inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants. Elder Joseph R. Lambert had been acting as Presiding Evangelist since the death of Elder Alexander H. Smith in 1909. There was widespread concern that a more permanent successor should be selected. Bishop E. L. Kelley and Apostles W. H. Kelley, I. N. White, and J. W. Wight were also finding the burdens of their several responsibilities arduous. These, and other needs of the church, undoubtedly found a prominent place in the petitions of the prophet and of the Saints in general prior to the convening of the Conference and while it was yet in session.

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