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Search For: Shared
Verses Found: 14

Ether 6:25 And it came to pass that there arose up Shared, and he also gave battle unto Coriantumr; and he did beat him, insomuch that in the third year he did bring him unto captivity.

Ether 6:26 And the sons of Coriantumr, in the fourth year, did beat Shared, and did obtain the kingdom again unto their father.

Ether 6:29 And it came to pass that Coriantumr was exceeding angry with Shared, and he went against him with his armies to battle; and they did meet in great anger; and they did meet in the valley of Gilgal; and the battle became exceeding sore.

Ether 6:30 And it came to pass that Shared fought against him for the space of three days.

Ether 6:32 And it came to pass that Shared gave him battle again upon the plains; and behold he did beat Coriantumr, and drove him back again to the valley of Gilgal.

Ether 6:33 And Coriantumr gave Shared battle again in the valley of Gilgal, in which he beat Shared, and slew him.

Ether 6:34 And Shared wounded Coriantumr in his thigh, that he did not go to battle again for the space of two years, in which time all the people upon all the face of the land were shedding blood, and there was none to restrain them.

Ether 6:37 And now after the space of two years, and after the death of Shared, behold, there arose the brother of Shared, and he gave battle unto Coriantumr, in which Coriantumr did beat him, and did pursue him to the wilderness of Akish.

Ether 6:38 And it came to pass that the brother of Shared did give battle unto him in the wilderness of Akish; and the battle became exceeding sore, and many thousands fell by the sword.

Ether 6:39 And it came to pass the Coriantumr did lay siege to the wilderness, and the brother of Shared did march forth out of the wilderness by night, and slew a part of the army of Coriantumr, as they were drunken.

Ether 6:42 Now the brother of Shared, whose name was Gilead, also received great strength to his army because of secret combinations.

DC 27:Intro SECTION 27 Revelation given to Oliver Cowdery through Joseph Smith, Jr., in September 1830 at Fayette, New York. Hiram Page had come into possession of a stone by use of which he had obtained certain "revelations" concerning the building of Zion, church organization, and similar matters. Oliver Cowdery and the Whitmer family, to whom Hiram was related, tended to accept his claims. The instruction now received appoints Oliver to an important mission and then sets forth the associated principles of prophetic guidance and common consent according to the church covenants and the prayer of faith. It should be noted that Oliver, who had shared responsibility for the difficulties which had arisen, is now commanded to take responsibility for their settlement.

DC 76:Intro SECTION 76 On their return from the Amherst (Ohio) conference to Hiram, Ohio (D. and C. 75), Joseph Smith resumed translation of the Scriptures with Sidney Rigdon as his scribe. On February 16, 1832, while they were thus engaged, they came to John 5:29. While meditating on the rendition they were given by the spirit of revelation, they shared a vision which they reported in the words of this section.

DC 117:Intro SECTION 117 As he approached the annual conference of 1873, President Smith was deeply concerned that he was again the only member of the First Presidency (Counselor William Marks had died in May 1872) and that the death of Apostle Samuel Powers in February 1873 had left the Quorum of Twelve with but five members. This concern was shared by the remaining members of the Twelve, and these were joined by a number of the Seventy in requesting that the prophet seek divine guidance. In presenting the following revelation to the elders of the church, President Smith stated that it had been received "in answer to long and continued and earnest prayer to God upon the condition of the Quorums of the Church." The revelation was approved by the available apostles and, on April 10, 1873, was endorsed by the conference. With the ordination of William Wallace Blair and David H. Smith, as provided for in this instruction, the quorum of the First Presidency was now complete for the first time since the reorganization of the church. This was also the first time in the Reorganization that members of the Twelve had been called by revelation through the President of the Church. Prior to this time, and on occasions in the early church, members of the Twelve had been selected by committees.

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