Scripture Search Results

Search For: Sleepeth
Verses Found: 9

1 Kings 18:27 And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud; for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.

Proverbs 10:5 He that gathereth in summer is a wise son; but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.

Hosea 7:6 For they have made ready their heart like an oven, while they lie in wait; their baker sleepeth all the night; in the morning it burneth as a flaming fire.

Matthew 9:30 He said unto them, Give place; for the maid is not dead; but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.

Mark 5:31 And when he was come in he said unto them, Why make ye this ado, and weep? The damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.

Luke 8:52 And all wept and bewailed her; but he said, Weep not; for she is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn, knowing that she was dead.

John 11:11 These things said he; and after that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.

Alma 12:137 And he said unto the queen, He is not dead, but he sleepeth in God, and on the morrow he shall rise again; therefore bury him not.

Alma 25:35 But he saith unto them, Fear not. Behold, I am a Lamanite. Behold we have escaped from the Nephites, and they sleepeth; and behold, we have taken of their wine, and brought with us.

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