Scripture Search Results

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Verses Found: 25

1 Kings 18:44 And it came to pass at the seventh time, that he said, Behold, there ariseth a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand. And he said, Go up, say unto Ahab, Prepare thy chariot, and get thee down, that the rain stop thee not.

2 Kings 3:19 And ye shall smite every fenced city, and every choice city, and shall fell every good tree, and stop all wells of water, and mar every good piece of land with stones.

2 Chronicles 32:3 He took counsel with his princes and his mighty men to stop the waters of the fountains which were without the city; and they did help him.

Psalms 35:3 Draw out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me; say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.

Psalms 107:42 The righteous shall see it, and rejoice; and all iniquity shall stop her mouth.

Ezekiel 39:11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea; and it shall stop the noses of the passengers; and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude; and they shall call it, The valley of Hamon-gog.

2 Corinthians 11:10 As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia.

Mosiah 9:134 And now let us pacify the king, and we fulfill the oath which we have made unto him: for it is better that we should be in bondage, than that we should lose our lives; therefore, let us put a stop to the shedding of so much blood.

Mosiah 11:58 And Amulon commanded them that they should stop their cries; and he put guards over them to watch them, that whosoever should be found calling upon God, should be put to death.

Mosiah 11:74 Therefore get thee out of this land, and I will stop the Lamanites in this valley, that they come no further in pursuit of this people.

Alma 16:214 And then shall there be, or it is expedient there should be, a stop to the shedding of blood; then shall the Law of Moses be fulfilled; yea, it shall all be fulfilled; every jot and tittle, and none shall have passed away.

Alma 17:5 Now behold I say unto you, If I had not been born of God, I should not have known these things; but God has by the mouth of his holy angel, made these things known unto me, not of any worthiness of myself, for I went about with the sons of Mosiah, seeking to destroy the church of God; but behold, God sent his holy angel to stop us by the way.

Alma 18:7 But behold, the Lord in his great mercy sent his angel to declare unto me, that I must stop the work of destruction among his people;

Alma 20:60 Now Moroni, when he saw their terror, commanded his men that they should stop shedding their blood.

Alma 20:61 And it came to pass that they did stop, and withdrew a pace from them.

Alma 22:1 And now it came to pass that Moroni did not stop making preparations for war, or to defend his people against the Lamanites; for he caused that his armies should commence in the commencement of the twentieth year of the reign of the Judges, that they should commence in digging up heaps of earth round about all the cities, throughout all the land which was possessed by the Nephites;

Alma 22:34 Therefore Moroni sent an army, with their camp, to head the people of Morianton, to stop their flight into the land northward.

Helaman 3:125 And behold, now it came to pass that when the Lord had spoken these words unto Nephi, he did stop, and did not go unto his own house, but did return unto the multitudes who were scattered about upon the face of the land, and began to declare unto them the word of the Lord, which had been spoken unto him concerning their destruction, if they did not repent.

Helaman 4:35 And it came to pass that it was expedient that there should be a stop put to this work of destruction; therefore they sent an army of strong men into the wilderness, and upon the mountains to search out this band of robbers, and to destroy them.

Mormon 1:42 And it came to pass that in the three hundred and forty and fifth year, the Nephites did begin to flee before the Lamanites, and they were pursued until they came even to the land of Jashon, before it was possible to stop them in their retreat.

Mormon 1:70 And there we did place our armies, that we might stop the armies of the Lamanites, that they might not get possession of any of our lands; therefore we did fortify against them with all our force.

Ether 1:29 And the Lord would not suffer that they should stop beyond the sea in the wilderness, but he would that they should come forth even unto the land of promise, which was choice above all other lands, which the Lord God had preserved for a righteous people;

Ether 1:51 And if it so be that the water come in upon thee, behold, ye shall stop the hole thereof, that ye may not perish in the flood.

DC 5:6a And if this be the case, behold, I say unto thee, Joseph, When thou hast translated a few more pages thou shalt stop for a season, even until I command thee again; then thou mayest translate again.

DC 5:6d and for this cause, that thy days may be prolonged, I have given unto thee these commandments; yea, for this cause I have said, Stop and stand still until I command thee, and I will provide means whereby thou mayest accomplish the thing which I have commanded thee;

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