Scripture Search Results

Search For: Success
Verses Found: 19

Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Isaiah 55:Intro The prophet, with the promises of Christ, calleth to faith, and to repentance -- The happy success of them that believe.

Alma 12:6 And they had been teaching the word of God for the space of fourteen years, among the Lamanites, having had much success in bringing many to the knowledge of the truth;

Alma 14:8 Establishing churches, and consecrating priests and teachers throughout the land among the Lamanites, to preach and to teach the word of God among them; and thus they began to have great success.

Alma 14:78 And now behold, Ammon, and Aaron, and Omner, and Himni, and their brethren, did rejoice exceedingly, for the success which they had had among the Lamanites, seeing that the Lord had granted unto them according to their prayers, and that he had also verified his word unto them in every particular.

Alma 14:111 Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said, Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.

Alma 15:65 Yea, and that same God hath called me by a holy calling, to preach the word unto this people, and hath given me much success, in the which my joy is full; but I do not joy in my own success alone, but my joy is more full because of the success of my brethren, who have been up to the land of Nephi.

Alma 15:67 Now when I think of the success of these my brethren, my soul is carried away, even to the separation of it from the body, as it were, so great is my joy.

Alma 16:23 And he came over into the land of Gideon, and began to preach unto them also; and here he did not have much success, for he was taken and bound, and carried before the high priest, and also the chief judge over the land.

Alma 16:69 And I taught them, even until I had much success, insomuch that I verily believed that they were true; and for this cause, I withstood the truth, even until I have brought this great curse upon me.

Alma 16:112 O Lord, wilt thou comfort my soul, and give unto me success, and also my fellow laborers who are with me; yea, Ammon, and Aaron, and Omner, and also Amulek, and Zeezrom, and also my two sons; yea, even all these wilt thou comfort, O Lord? Yea, wilt thou comfort their souls in Christ?

Alma 16:114 O Lord, wilt thou grant unto us that we may have success in bringing them again unto thee, in Christ?

Alma 16:122 And it came to pass that after much labor among them, they began to have success among the poor class of people; for behold, they were cast out of the synagogues, because of the courseness of their apparel;

Alma 26:169 Yea, and that he may favor this people, even that ye may have success in obtaining the possession of all that which the Lamanites have taken from us, which was for our support.

Alma 27:1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year of the reign of the Judges over the people of Nephi, after Moroni had received and had read Helaman's epistle, he was exceedingly rejoiced because of the welfare, yea, the exceeding success which Helaman had had, in obtaining those lands which were lost;

Alma 27:12 Now this was the case with all his chief captains. They doubted and marveled also, because of the wickedness of the people; and this because of the success of the Lamanites over them.

DC 122:13d It is the will of your Lord and your God that this should be done. It should have been done before, but the adversary hath hindered, desiring to prevent the success of my work in the earth.

DC 130:5b in order that he may give such assistance to the Bishop, E. L. Kelley, as is essential unto the success of the work intrusted to the Bishopric.

DC 141:8b Properly and equally borne, this responsibility will insure success, and the consummation will be glorious, and all will share in that glory.

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