Scripture Search Results

Search For: Successor
Verses Found: 4

DC 125:1 The successor of my servant W. W. Blair is with the body, but the conditions are not ripe for this addition to the presidency; but it shall be made in due time. In the meantime, let the presidency continue as at present constituted.

DC 130:Intro SECTION 130 Instruction given through President Joseph Smith III, April 14, 1913, at Lamoni, Iowa. It was endorsed by the quorums and the assembly as a revelation from God, and the Conference authorized its inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants. Elder Joseph R. Lambert had been acting as Presiding Evangelist since the death of Elder Alexander H. Smith in 1909. There was widespread concern that a more permanent successor should be selected. Bishop E. L. Kelley and Apostles W. H. Kelley, I. N. White, and J. W. Wight were also finding the burdens of their several responsibilities arduous. These, and other needs of the church, undoubtedly found a prominent place in the petitions of the prophet and of the Saints in general prior to the convening of the Conference and while it was yet in session.

DC 132:Intro SECTION 132 President Joseph Smith died at Independence, Missouri, December 10, 1914. His oldest living son, Frederick Madison Smith, had been designated as his successor and was accepted by the church in this capacity. He was set apart as President of the Church and the High Priesthood at the Stone Church in Independence on May 5, 1915. The Conference of 1915 had given consideration to the honorable release of Presiding Bishop E. L. Kelley, but referred any necessary action to the Presidency and Council of Twelve. President F. M. Smith reported the situation to a council of the Presidency, Council of Twelve, and Presiding Bishopric. By action of this council the text of the revelation was taken from the body of President F. M. Smith's report and presented to the General Conference, where it was endorsed and approved for inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants. The matter of selecting one to succeed Bishop E.L. Kelley in the office of Presiding Bishop has received by me careful and prayerful consideration.

DC 132:1 I am therefore now prepared to say that the voice of the Spirit to me is, that Bishop E. L. Kelley should be released from the responsibilities of Presiding Bishop, though he may act as traveling bishop, counseling and advising on the law of temporalities in harmony with his successor and the Presidency.

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