Scripture Search Results

Search For: Teancum
Verses Found: 38

Alma 22:36 And it came to pass that the army which was sent by Moroni, which was led by a man whose name was Teancum, did meet the people of Morianton;

Alma 22:37 And so stubborn were the people of Morianton, (being inspired by his wickedness and his flattering words,) that a battle commenced between them, in which Teancum did slay Morianton, and defeat his army, and took them prisoners, and returned to the camp of Moroni.

Alma 23:35 But it came to pass that they were met by Teancum, who had slain Morianton, and had headed his people in his flight.

Alma 23:37 But behold, he met with a disappointment, by being repulsed by Teancum and his men, for they were great warriors: for every man of Teancum did exceed the Lamanites in their strength, and in their skill of war, insomuch that they did gain advantage over the Lamanites.

Alma 23:39 And it came to pass that Teancum and his men did pitch their tents in the borders of the land Bountiful; and Amalickiah did pitch his tents in the borders on the beach by the sea-shore, and after this manner were they driven.

Alma 23:40 And it came to pass that when the night had come, Teancum and his servant stole forth and went out by night, and went into the camp of Amalickiah; and behold, sleep had overpowered them, because of their much fatigue, which was caused by the labors and heat of the day.

Alma 23:41 And it came to pass that Teancum stole privily into the tent of the king, and put a javelin to his heart; and he did cause the death of the king immediately, that he did not awake his servants.

Alma 24:1 And now it came to pass in the twenty and sixth year of the reign of the Judges over the people of Nephi, behold, when the Lamanites awoke on the first morning of the first month, behold, they found Amalickiah was dead in his own tent; and they also saw that Teancum was ready to give them battle on that day.

Alma 24:5 And now Teancum saw that the Lamanites were determined to maintain those cities which they had taken, and those parts of the land which they had obtained possession of;

Alma 24:6 And also seeing the enormity of their number, Teancum thought it was not expedient that he should attempt to attack them in their forts; but he kept his men round about, as if making preparations for war;

Alma 24:17 But behold, it came to pass in the twenty and seventh year of the reign of the Judges, that Teancum, by the command of Moroni, who had established armies to protect the south and west borders of the land, had begun his march towards the land Bountiful, that he might assist Teancum with his men, in retaking the cities which they had lost.

Alma 24:18 And it came to pass that Teancum had received orders to make an attack upon the city of Mulek, and retake it if it were possible.

Alma 24:19 And it came to pass that Teancum made preparations to make an attack upon the city of Mulek, and march forth with his army against the Lamanites; but he saw that it was impossible that he could overpower them while they were in their fortifications;

Alma 24:22 And in the commencement of the twenty and eighth year, Moroni and Teancum, and many of the chief captains, held a council of war, what they should do to cause the Lamanites to come out against them to battle;

Alma 24:27 Therefore he caused that Teancum should take a small number of men, and march down near the sea-shore; and Moroni and his army, by night, marched into the wilderness, on the west of the city Mulek;

Alma 24:28 And thus, on the morrow, when the guards of the Lamanites had discovered Teancum, they ran and told it unto Jacob, their leader.

Alma 24:29 And it came to pass that the armies of the Lamanites did march forth against Teancum, supposing by their numbers to overpower Teancum, because of the smallness of his numbers.

Alma 24:30 And as Teancum saw the armies of the Lamanites coming out against him, he began to retreat down by the sea-shore northward.

Alma 24:32 And while Teancum was thus leading away the Lamanites who were pursuing them in vain, behold, Moroni commanded that a part of his army who were with him, should march forth into the city, and take possession of it.

Alma 24:34 And thus Moroni had obtained possession of the city Mulek, with a part of his army, while he marched with the remainder to meet the Lamanites, when they should return from the pursuit of Teancum.

Alma 24:35 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did pursue Teancum until they came near the city Bountiful, and then they were met by Lehi, and a small army, which had been left to protect the city Bountiful.

Alma 24:54 And Teancum, by the orders of Moroni, caused that they should commence laboring in digging a ditch round about the land, or the city Bountiful;

Alma 28:20 Therefore come unto me speedily, with a few of your men, and leave the remainder in the charge of Lehi and Teancum; give unto them power to conduct the war in that part of the land, according to the Spirit of God, which is also the spirit of freedom which is in them.

Alma 28:23 And we will take possession of the city of Zarahemla, that we may obtain more food to send forth unto Lehi and Teancum; yea, we will go forth against them in the strength of the Lord, and we will put an end to this great iniquity.

Alma 28:26 See that ye strengthen Lehi and Teancum in the Lord; tell them to fear not, for God will deliver them; yea, and also all those who stand fast in that liberty wherewith God hath made them free.

Alma 29:3 And it came to pass that Moroni took a small number of men according to the desire of Pahoran, and gave Lehi and Teancum command over the remainder of his army, and took his march towards the land of Gideon.

Alma 29:14 And he also caused that an army of six thousand men, with a sufficient quantity of food, should be sent to the armies of Lehi and Teancum.

Alma 29:36 And it came to pass that Moroni and his army did pursue them from city to city, until they were met by Lehi and Teancum; and the Lamanites fled from Lehi and Teancum, even down upon the borders by the sea-shore, until they came to the land of Moroni.

Alma 29:39 And it came to pass that Moroni, and Lehi, and Teancum, did encamp with their armies round about in the borders of the land of Moroni, insomuch that the Lamanites were encircled about in the borders by the wilderness, on the south, and in the borders by the wilderness, on the east; and thus they did encamp for the night.

Alma 29:40 For behold, the Nephites and the Lamanites also, were weary because of the greatness of the march; therefore they did not resolve upon any stratagem in the night time, save it were Teancum:

Alma 29:42 And it came to pass that Teancum in his anger did go forth into the camp of the Lamanites, and did let himself down over the walls of the city.

Alma 29:44 But behold, the king did awake his servant before he died, insomuch that they did pursue Teancum, and slew him.

Alma 29:45 Now it came to pass that when Lehi and Moroni knew that Teancum was dead, they were exceeding sorrowful: for behold, he had been a man who had fought valiantly for his country, yea, a true friend to liberty; and he had suffered very many exceeding sore afflictions.

Mormon 2:3 And while they were yet weary, a fresh army of the Lamanites did come upon them; and they had a sore battle, insomuch that the Lamanites did take possession of the city Desolation, and did slay many of the Nephites, and did take many prisoners; and the remainder did flee and join the inhabitants of the city Teancum.

Mormon 2:4 Now the city Teancum lay in the borders by the seashore; and it was also near the city Desolation.

Mormon 2:7 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did make preparation to come against the city Teancum.

Mormon 2:8 And it came to pass in the three hundred and sixty and fourth year, the Lamanites did come against the city Teancum, that they might take possession of the city Teancum also.

Mormon 2:16 And they did also march forward against the city Teancum, and did drive the inhabitants forth out of her, and did take many prisoners, both women and children, and did offer them up as sacrifices unto their idol gods.

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