Scripture Search Results

Search For: Vacancies
Verses Found: 11

DC 120:9c a sufficient number to fill the vacancies now existing in the high council, that the high council may be properly organized and prepared to hear matters of grave importance when presented to them.

DC 122:Intro SECTION 122 During the General Conference of 1894 the First Presidency, the Quorum of Twelve, and the Quorum of High Priests held a joint meeting at which they discussed their respective callings and responsibilities. A report of this Council was submitted to the Conference, but since the Twelve felt that the report did not cover all the issues under consideration they adopted a resolution requesting President Smith to "ask for further revelation in explanation of the authority and duties of the several quorums and their members, also for instruction providing for filling the vacancies in the leading quorums, including a designation of the Patriarch, if it shall be the pleasure of our heavenly Father to so enlighten us." The revelation given to President Smith, April 15, 1894, at Lamoni, Iowa, in answer to the petitions of the Saints, was endorsed by the quorums and the Conference, but it was not until the General Conference of 1897 that its inclusion in the Doctrine and Covenants was authorized. I was, on the fifteenth day of the fourth month, of the year 1894, in fasting and prayer before the Lord, and being commanded of the Spirit I arose from my praying and wrote: Thus saith the Spirit unto the elders and the church:

DC 130:4a To fill the vacancies caused by the release of these elders from the apostolic quorum, Elders James E. Kelley, William M. Aylor, Paul M. Hanson, and James A. Gillen may be chosen and ordained as apostles to take with others of the quorum active oversight of the labors in the ministerial field.

DC 133:1 Let Francis M. Sheehy and Peter Andersen be released from the Quorum of Twelve; and to fill the vacancies created by these releases let Myron A. McConley and Thomas W. Williams be ordained apostles.

DC 134:Intro SECTION 134 Revelation given through President Frederick M. Smith at Independence, Missouri, October 2, 1922. This message was presented to the General Conference, and by them referred to the various quorums. The Council of Twelve and Presiding Bishopric joined in recommending that action on it be "deferred pending the settlement of important matters pending before the Joint Council of Presidency, Twelve, and presiding Bishopric, in which the . . . personnel of the Twelve are vitally interested." Debate on this procedural matter broadened into a review of the entire administration of President Smith. The document was approved by a divided vote on October 12. To the Church: To the matter of filling the leading quorums of the church in which vacancies now exist I have given prayerful and careful consideration and meditation, and the voice of inspiration to me is:

DC 134:3 To fill the vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve let the following be ordained apostles: Clyde F. Ellis, John F. Garver, Daniel T. Williams, F. Henry Edwards, Edmund J. Gleazer, Roy S. Budd.

DC 137:Intro SECTION 137 Revelation given through President Frederick M. Smith at Independence, Missouri, April 7, 1938. The conference adopted this "communication with its provisions as the voice of divine inspiration to the church." To the Church: Since the creation of two vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve I have been quite concerned about the condition of that quorum, as well as other bodies in the church, and after due meditation and prayer for divine light, I am permitted to present the following for the consideration and action of the conference members:

DC 137:2 To fill the vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve, let the following named brethren be ordained and set apart as apostles: C. George Mesley, Arthur A. Oakman, and Charles R. Hield.

DC 138:1b This left the President without Counselors; and to meet the situation, acting under such inspirational impulsions as were given me at the moment, I presented the names of Brethren Israel A. Smith and Lemuel F. P. Curry to fill the vacancies in the First Presidency, these selections being unanimously approved by the Quorum of Twelve.

DC 139:2a "To fill one of the vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, I have presented to my servant the name of D. Blair Jensen of the High Priests Quorum, who is called and chosen to this office, and should be ordained and set apart as a special witness in the Quorum of Twelve."

DC 140:2 To fill vacancies already existing, let Roscoe E. Davey and Maurice L. Draper, now serving as Seventies, be ordained Apostles and occupy with their brethren in the Quorum of Twelve.

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