39 And their works were abominations, and began to spread among all the sons of men. And it was among the sons of men.
40 And among the daughters of men, these things were not spoken; because that Lamech had spoken the secret unto his wives, and they rebelled against him, and declared these things abroad, and had not compassion.
41 Wherefore Lamech was despised, and cast out, and came not among the sons of men, lest he should die.
42 And thus the works of darkness began to prevail among all the sons of men.
43 And God cursed the earth with a sore curse, and was angry with the wicked, with all the sons of men whom he had made, for they would not hearken unto his voice, nor believe on his Only Begotten Son, even him whom he declared should come in the meridian of time; who was prepared from before the foundation of the world.
44 And thus the gospel began to be preached from the beginning, being declared by holy angels, sent forth from the presence of God; and by his own voice, and by the gift of the Holy Ghost.
45 And thus all things were confirmed unto Adam by an holy ordinance; and the gospel preached; and a decree sent forth that it should be in the world until the end thereof; and thus it was. Amen.
Genesis 6
Intro: Adam warns men to repent -- Seth is born -- The priesthood is shown -- Book of generations kept -- Satan has dominion -- God's promise to Enoch -- Enoch's vision -- His preaching.
1 And Adam hearkened unto the voice of God, and called upon his sons to repent.
2 And Adam knew his wife again, and she bare a son, and he called his name Seth.
3 And Adam glorified the name of God, for he said, God hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew.