RLDS Verse Context

Inspired Version, 1908 Book of Mormon, DC 1-144

Ether 6:23 - Ether 6:33

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23 And Coriantumr should receive a burial by them; and every soul should be destroyed save it were Coriantumr.

24 And it came to pass that Coriantumr repented not, neither his household, neither the people; and the wars ceased not; and they sought to kill Ether, but he fled from before them, and hid again in the cavity of the rock.

25 And it came to pass that there arose up Shared, and he also gave battle unto Coriantumr; and he did beat him, insomuch that in the third year he did bring him unto captivity.

26 And the sons of Coriantumr, in the fourth year, did beat Shared, and did obtain the kingdom again unto their father.

27 Now there began to be a war upon all the face of the land, every man with his band, fighting for that which he desired.

28 And there were robbers, and in fine, all manner of wickedness upon all the face of the land.

29 And it came to pass that Coriantumr was exceeding angry with Shared, and he went against him with his armies to battle; and they did meet in great anger; and they did meet in the valley of Gilgal; and the battle became exceeding sore.

30 And it came to pass that Shared fought against him for the space of three days.

31 And it came to pass that Coriantumr beat him, and did pursue him until he came to the plains of Heshlon.

32 And it came to pass that Shared gave him battle again upon the plains; and behold he did beat Coriantumr, and drove him back again to the valley of Gilgal.

33 And Coriantumr gave Shared battle again in the valley of Gilgal, in which he beat Shared, and slew him.

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