RLDS Verse Context

Inspired Version, 1908 Book of Mormon, DC 1-144

DC 95:7a - DC 96:1c

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7a And again, verily I say unto you, If, after thine enemy has come upon thee the first time, he repent and come unto thee praying thy forgiveness thou shalt forgive him, and shall hold it no more as a testimony against thine enemy,

7b and so on unto the second and the third time, and as oft as thine enemy repenteth of the trespass wherewith he has trespassed against thee, thou shalt forgive him, until seventy times seven;

7c and if he transgress against thee and repent not the first time, nevertheless thou shalt forgive him; and if he trespass against thee the second time, and repent not, nevertheless thou shalt forgive him; and if he trespass against thee the third time and repent not, thou shalt also forgive him;

7d but if he trespass against thee the fourth time, thou shalt not forgive him but shall bring these testimonies before the Lord, and they shall not be blotted out until he repent and reward thee fourfold in all things wherewith he has trespassed against you;

7e and if he do this thou shalt forgive him with all thine heart, and if he do not this, I, the Lord, will avenge thee of thine enemy an hundredfold; and upon his children, and upon his children's children, of all them that hate me, unto the third and fourth generation;

7f but if the children shall repent, or the children's children and turn unto the Lord their God with all their hearts, and with all their might, mind, and strength, and restore fourfold for all their trespasses, wherewith they have trespassed, or wherewith their fathers have trespassed or their father's fathers,

7g then thine indignation shall be turned away and vengeance shall no more come upon them, saith the Lord your God, and their trespasses shall never be brought any more as a testimony before the Lord against them. Amen.

DC 96
Intro: SECTION 96 Revelation given through Joseph Smith, Jr., to Elder John Murdock, on august 1832, at Kirtland, Ohio. Murdock's wife Julia had died on April 30, 1831, after giving birth that day to twins, Julia and Joseph. Joseph and Emma Smith soon adopted these twins. In 1832 Murdock sent his older three children (with means for their support) to Bishop Edward Partridge in Missouri, and in April 1833 left for a mission to the eastern part of the United States. Through an oversight the date "August 1833" was assigned to this revelation in the 1864 edition; hence the number "96," when it should have been "83."

1a Behold, thus saith the Lord unto my servant John Murdock, Thou art called to go into the eastern countries from house to house, from village to village, and from city to city, to proclaim mine everlasting gospel unto the inhabitants thereof, in the midst of persecution and wickedness;

1b and whoso receiveth you receiveth me, and you shall have power to declare my word in the demonstration of my Holy Spirit;

1c and whoso receiveth you as a little child, receiveth my kingdom, and blessed are they, for they shall obtain mercy; and whoso rejecteth you shall be rejected of my Father and his house: and you shall cleanse your feet in the secret places by the way for a testimony against them.

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