RLDS Verse Context

Inspired Version, 1908 Book of Mormon, DC 1-144

Genesis 19:38 - Genesis 20:3

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38 Therefore come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

39 And they did wickedly, and made their father drink wine that night; and the firstborn went in and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.

40 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father; let us make him drink wine this night also, and go thou in and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.

41 And they made their father drink wine that night also; and the younger arose, and lay with him, and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose.

42 Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.

43 And the firstborn bare a son, and called his name Moab; the father of the Moabites, the same which are unto this day.

44 And the younger, she also bare a son, and called his name Ben-ammi; the father of the children which are Ammonites; the same which are unto this day.

Genesis 20
Intro: Abraham goeth to Gerar -- Abraham and Sarah reproved by Abimelech.

1 And Abraham journeyed from thence toward the south country, and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur, and sojourned in Gerar.

2 And Abraham said again of Sarah his wife, She is my sister.

3 And Abimelech, king of Gerar, sent and took Sarah. But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said unto him, Behold, thou hast taken a woman which is not thine own, for she is Abraham's wife.

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