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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 20 Page: 437 (~1840)

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437 standing by, without uttering a word; and in these councils they have said if a Missourian should kill a Mormon, he should draw a pension, same as a soldier of the Revolution.

"I was also compelled to give up my gun; and the terms was, I was to leave the aforesaid State of Missouri, or be exterminated. My property is yet remaining in said State, whilst I am deprived of the control of the same.

"Written this 17th day of March, 1840.


"Sworn to before D. W. Kilbourn, J. P., Lee County, Iowa Territory."

-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 646, 647.

"I, Burr Riggs, of the town of Quincy, and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that in the year 1836, when moving to the State of Missouri with my family and others, we were met in Ray County, in said State, by a mob of one hundred and fourteen armed men, who commanded us not to proceed any further, but to return, or they would take our lives; and the leader stepped forward at the same time, and cocked his piece. We turned round with our team, and the mob followed us about six miles and left us.

"Some time after this I moved to Caldwell County in said State, and purchased about two hundred acres of land, and a village lot, on which I erected a dwelling house, staked, and commenced improving my land, and had at the time I was driven away, about forty acres of corn, vegetables, etc.; and in the year 1838, in the month of November, was compelled to leave my house and possessions in consequence of Governor Boggs' exterminating order, without means sufficient to bear my expense out of the State.

"Given under my hand at Quincy, Illinois, 17th March, 1840.


"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."

-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 647.

"I, Simons P. Curtis, a resident of Quincy, Adams

(page 437)

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