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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 20 Page: 438 (~1840)

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438 County, Illinois, certify that in the year 1838, I was a citizen of Caldwell County, Missouri, residing in the city of Far West. Also that I went in search of a lost steer, and in passing by Captain Bogart's camp, while he was guarding the city, I saw the hide and feet of said steer, which I knew to be mine; the flesh of which I suppose they applied to their own use.

"I also certify that Wiley E. Williams, one of the Governor's aids, who was gun keeper, caused me to pay thirty-seven and one half cents to him. I also paid twenty-five cents to a justice of the peace to qualify me to testify that the gun was mine. The said Wiley E. Williams is said to be the one that carried the story to Governor Boggs, which story was the cause of the exterminating order being issued, as stated by the Governor in said order.


"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."

-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 647.

"I, Elisha E. Groves, of the town of Quincy and State of Illinois, upon oath saith, that I was a resident of Daviess County, in the State of Missouri, and that on the 16th day of November, in the year of our Lord 1838, Judge Vinson Smith and others came to my house and ordered myself and family, Levi Taylor, David Osborn, and others, to leave our possession which we had bought of government and paid our money for the same, saying we must within three days leave the county, or they would take our lives, for there was no law to save us after that time. In consequence of these proceedings, together with Governor Boggs' exterminating order, we were compelled to leave the State of Missouri. Furthermore this deponent saith not.

"Given under my hand at Quincy, the 17th day of March, A. D. 1840.


"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit Court."

-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 647, 648.

(page 438)

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