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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 20 Page: 440 (~1840)

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440 wife and oldest daughter barely escaping from their unholy designs.

"I was thus a second time obliged to leave the State, or remain at the risk of my life. The former alternative I chose. My loss sustained by the above-mentioned abuses was not less than three hundred dollars. A lot of land containing forty acres, for which I paid four dollars per acre, situated in Caldwell County, was unjustly and unlawfully taken from me, and is still retained by some person or persons to me unknown. I hereby certify that the above is a true statement.


"Sworn to before C. M. Woods."

-Millennial Star, vol. 17, pp. 660, 661.

"I, Levi Richards, a resident of Quincy, Adams County, Illinois, practitioner of medicine, certify that in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight I was a citizen of Far West, Caldwell County, Missouri, and that in the fall of said year I saw the city invaded by a numerous armed soldiery, who compelled its inhabitants to surrender, give up their firearms, and submit to their dictation. They then set a strong guard round the city, thereby preventing egress or ingress without special permission. Then they collected the citizens together upon the public square, formed round them a strong guard of soldiers, and then at the mouths of their rifles compelled them to sign what was termed a deed of trust, thereby depriving them of all their property and civil rights.

"This occupied several days of most inclement weather, when they were brought to the same order by General Clark, and I judge some forty or fifty were made special prisoners by him. At this time he delivered his speech to the 'Mormons.' which has been published, and which is substantially correct. I was compelled by a company of men armed with rifles to leave my house and go to Captain Bogart's camp (he commanded, as I understood, a part of the guard which surrounded the city) upon an indirect charge or insinuation; was detained a prisoner two days. examined, and then liberated. I then asked the clerk of the company,

(page 440)

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