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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 20 Page: 441 (~1840)

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441 who had been my keeper, the following questions, which he readily answered:-

"Were those men who massacred the 'Mormons' at Haun's mill, out under the Governor's order, or were they mobbers?

"A. Mobbers.

"Are Captain Cornelius Gillium and his company out by legal authority, or are they mobbers?

"A. Mobbers.

"Where are those mobbers now?

"A. They have joined the army.

"This company at the surrender at Far West were painted like Indians. The army wore a badge of red (blood!). I saw a large amount of lumber and timber destroyed, and used for fuel by the soldiers. The destruction of cattle, hogs, etc., seemed to be their sport, as their camp and the fields testified when they withdrew. An excellent gun was taken from me, which I have never seen or heard of since. A gun that was left in my care was taken at the same time, which I afterwards found with Wiley E. Williams, of Richmond (reputed one of the Governor's aids), to obtain which I had to prove property, affirm before a magistrate, and pay said Williams fifty cents!

"I was called to extract lead, dress the wounds, etc., for several persons (saints) who were shot in the above siege, two of whom died. Immediately previous to the above transactions, and for a long time before, the citizens of Caldwell, and particularly Far West, were called upon to watch for mobs by day and guard against them by night, till it became a burden almost intolerable.


"Sworn to before C. M. Woods, Clerk Circuit Court, Adams County, Illinois."

-Millennial Star, vol. 17, p. 661.

"I, Gibson Gates, do hereby certify that I was residing in Jackson County, Missouri, in the fall of the year 1833, and had been for the space of about one year. I was at a meeting one day for worship, when a man by the name of Masters came to us, stating that he was sent by the

(page 441)

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