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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 20 Page: 443 (~1840)

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443 They then replied, that 'the old law and Constitution is worn out, and we are about to make a new one.'

"I was at a meeting where we had met for prayer, and a man by the name of Masters came and desired an interview with us; he then stated that he was sent by the mob to inform us that if we would forsake our 'Mormon' and prophet religion, and become of their religion, they, the mob, would be our brothers, and would fight for us; 'but if you will not, we are ready and will drive you from the county.'

"A few days after this a large mob came to my house, commanded by General Moses Wilson, Hugh Brazeale, and Lewis Franklin, and broke down my door and burst into my house, armed with guns, clubs, and knives; some of them were painted red and black. This was in the night, and my family was much frightened. They threatened me with immediate death if I did not leave the place. After much abuse they left us for the night, but in a few days after they returned and drove me and my family into the street, not suffering us to take anything with us. I saw that we must go or die; we went south to Van Buren County, in company with eighty or ninety others. In a short time after I returned to my farm and found my house plundered, my grain and crop, stock, and all my farm and farming tools laid waste and destroyed; and shortly after my house was burned to ashes.

"I called to Esquire Weston, of Independence, and inquired of him if he could inform me what all this mobbing and riot meant, informing him of the destruction and plundering of my house; to which he gave me no satisfaction, but insulted me and treated me roughly. Governor Boggs lived in the county, and I have seen him passing through among us in our great distress, and gave no attention to our distresses. He was then Lieutenant Governor of the State. On my return to my family in Van Buren County I was much abused by a man by the name of Brady; he said he would kill me if ever I attempted to go to my farm, or if he saw me passing that way again. I returned to my family, and in a few days after a company of men came where we

(page 443)

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