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Source: Church History Vol. 2 Chapter 34 Page: 777

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777 He passed through the Missouri trials with unflinching courage, and was the companion of his brother Joseph and others during their imprisonment, related in this work.

In 1841 he was called by revelation to succeed his father as Presiding Patriarch of the church; and William Law was chosen to succeed him in the First Presidency.

In this same revelation it is said of him, "Blessed is my servant Hyrum Smith, for I, the Lord, loveth him, because of the integrity of his heart, and because he loveth that which is right before me, saith the Lord."

Though by this call he was removed from the presiding quorum of the church, he practically continued what he had ever been-the constant companion and counselor of his brother Joseph. He was devotedly attached to his brother, never leaving him for more than six months at one time during his life.

In the cruel assassination at Carthage he shared his brother's fate, and was murdered by a mob, on June 27, 1844.


Of William Law, who in 1841 was chosen to succeed Hyrum Smith, we know but little, either of his early history or of his career after leaving the church. He figured prominently in church circles for a few years in Nauvoo; then was involved in difficulties, and was expelled from the church. He was one of the dissenters in 1844, whose agitations contributed to bringing about the murder of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.

From Nauvoo he removed to Rock Island, Illinois.

(page 777)

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