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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 4 Page: 121 (~1845)

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121 the service. There had been a remarkable increase of seventies since the death of Joseph Smith. We do not know just how many there were at his death, but certainly they did not exceed the "seven times seventy" provided for in the law. 4 We have seen account of but two quorums. What authority was had for more than seven quorums, of seventy each, is not clear. The Utah people cite an alleged statement of Joseph Smith's found in Millennial Star, volume 15, page 261, (see History, vol. 1, p. 561,) which in addition to the provision found in the law adds: "And even until there are one hundred and forty and four thousand thus set apart for the ministry." But as they did not publish this statement until April, 1853, long after they ventured beyond the limits, and as this additional provision is not found in the law, others claim it to be without authority.

By January 19,1846, there were at least thirty quorums. (Times and Seasons, vol. 6, p. 1096.) They have since increased the number to over one hundred quorums.

4 See Doctrine and Covenants 104: 43.

(page 121)

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