159 We have omitted to mention that about June, 1830, Joseph, as directed by inspiration, began a translation of the Jewish Scriptures, which work he did by the Spirit of revelation. The necessity for this was clearly shown by the revelation of June, 1830. (Doctrine and Covenants, section 22.) According to this revelation the Lord said unto Moses, "In a day when the children of men shall esteem my words as naught, and take many of them from
things which have been sealed, even things which were from the foundation of the world, and the things which shall come from this time until the time of my coming, if he abide in me, and if not, another will I plant in his stead.
5. Wherefore watch over him that his faith fail not, and it shall be given by the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, that knoweth all things; and a commandment I give unto thee, that thou shalt write for him; and the scriptures shall be given even as they are in mine own bosom, to the salvation of mine own elect; for they will hear my voice, and shall see me, and shall not be asleep, and shall abide the day of my coming, for they shall be purified even as I am pure. And now I say unto you, Tarry with him and he shall journey with you; forsake him not and surely these things shall be fulfilled. And inasmuch as ye do not write, behold, it shall be given unto him to prophesy; and thou shalt preach my gospel; and call on the holy prophets to prove his words, as they shall be given him.
6. Keep all the commandments and covenants by which ye are bound, and I will cause the heavens to shake for your good, and Satan shall tremble, and Zion shall rejoice upon the hills, and flourish; and Israel shall be saved in mine own due time. And by the keys which I have given shall they be led, and no more be confounded at all. Lift up your hearts and be glad; your redemption draweth nigh. Fear not, little flock, the kingdom is yours until I come. Behold, I come quickly. Even so. Amen.
1. Thus saith the Lord God, the Mighty One of Israel, Behold, I say unto you, my servant Edward, that you are blessed, and your sins are forgiven you, and you are called to preach my gospel as with the voice of a trump; and I will lay my hand upon you by the hand of my servant Sidney Rigdon, and you shall receive my Spirit, the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which shall teach you the peaceable things of the kingdom; and you shall declare it with a loud voice, saying, Hosanna, blessed be the name of the most high God.
2. And now this calling and commandment give I unto yon concerning all men, that as many as shall come before my servants Sidney Rigdon and Joseph Smith, Jr., embracing this calling and commandment, shall be ordained and sent forth to preach the everlasting gospel among the nations, crying repentance, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation, and come forth out of the fire, hating even the garments spotted with the flesh.
3. And this commandment shall be given unto the elders of my church, that every man which will embrace it with singleness of heart, may be ordained and sent forth, even as I have spoken. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God; wherefore gird up your loins and I will suddenly come to my temple. Even so. Amen.
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