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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 25 Page: 480 (~1868)

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480 this vast continent. My companion, Bro. William Anderson, and I have endured many hardships, but we count them as jewels of worth, as every trial of our faith that we overcome, every temptation we resisted, every hardship we bore, will be as faithful witnesses in our behalf in that day when we are called to render an account of our stewardship.

"We now have been laboring over twelve months in California, and you know with what spirit we have labored, and I believe none can say we have been slothful or negligent in our duties as missionaries. I have met the saints in every phase of life, I have endeavored to teach the principles of love, charity, forbearance, hope, faith, and loyalty to God and his Son Jesus Christ. I have endeavored to share your sorrows, bear your burdens, and lighten your trials; your griefs have been mine as well as your joys; I have prayed for you, have been sustained by your prayers, as well as the bounteous provisions for my own personal comfort. I have met you in joy, I have met you in trouble and shared the same. I have wept at parting, and rejoiced to meet you, and in all these scenes I have seen the workings of God's Holy Spirit, and I thank him for all his mercies to his choice people. I have tried to unite you in one in love and faith; how successful I have been you best know. You also know what Spirit I have brought into your midst, and that Spirit I endeavor to leave with you in our temporal separation, and I pray to God to continue that same Spirit with you, as I do know it brings 'peace,' 'love,' 'joy,' and confidence. But now the time draws nigh for my return to the bosom of my family, and I grieve to leave you, yet rejoice because of the anticipated joy of meeting mother, wife, children, and brothers, after so long a separation. It will be joy indeed to meet them once more, and now as I contemplate leaving your midst, I wish to leave with you some few words of exhortation. In view of the past troubles in which you have been mixed, let me say, the same cause will produce the same effects, and now I warn all saints to beware of self exaltation, and avoid being lifted up in your own estimation. If you are wise give God the honor, nor boast of your wisdom and power, as God is the giver of all

(page 480)

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