518 at the time to England; yet if one was to be sent he thought it should be Elder William H. Kelley or Elder George Hatt.
On the same date, and from the same place, Elder Josiah Ells wrote, and among other things said:-
"The odium caused by the apostasy seems, for the present, to have closed every virtuous ear. The accounts of their doings are sickening. I have reference to this land; but their cause is forever dead, and nothing but the hope that they will be taken to the States holds them together as a people."
On February 12, Elder T. P. Green wrote from Jeffersonville, Illinois, regarding his past experience and present satisfaction, as follows:-
"An experience of thirty years in God's work has given me a solid footing, and it seems to me that I could stand on no other platform than that of God's truth, and feel safe.
"During the long and dark apostasy of the church, I have remained here attending to my profession as a doctor, making homes for my family, and preaching around in this circuit of country. Like all the brethren I have had my dark days and my sunny days; but I thank God for the Reorganization.
"Brothers William Anderson and Frank Reynolds were the first to visit us, and tell us the news of your mission, and we thank God for the faithful labors of those brethren. We have also been since blessed with the teaching of other brethren, among whom are Brothers Hazzledine and Mark H. Forscutt. The work in this region has been progressing finely; their almost unceasing labors have furnished a fine example of industry, and their influence, both among the saints and in the world, is very great.
"During the past the Lord has been very kind to us here, and he is so still. As far as I could, I have labored for him in return. I have visited around in all the branches of this subdistrict, and find them in good working order. The Dry Fork Elm River, and Brush Creek branches have reported before; but through the blessings of the Lord, we have now
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