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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 29 Page: 558 (~1870)

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558 "'It had been argued that we must passively and uninquiringly obey the priesthood, because otherwise we could not build up Zion. He could not see this. A nation built up on such a principle could be no Zion. The only glory or beauty that there could be in a Zion must result from its being composed of people all of whom acted intelligently in all their operations. Fifty thousand people acting in concert, building up excellent cities or doing anything else well, but doing it mechanically, because they were told, was no sight to be admired. A dozen persons, not operating half as perfectly as to the nature of their work, but doing what little they did intelligently, must be a far more delightful exhibition to God and intelligences.

"'These were his views. If they constituted apostasy, the council must deal with him according to their laws. One thing, however, they could not do. They might cut him off from his brethren, but they should never cut his brethren off from his affections. He had been twenty years a member of this church, and he intended to live and die with them, and no one should ever drive him from their midst.

"'He knew and could bear testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. He could bear testimony that Brigham Young was divinely called to succeed Joseph Smith in the presidency of the church, and he knew that the president was inspired to bring this people to these mountains.

"'He then read the following:-


"'To Whom It May Concern:-We the undersigned, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, temporarily suspended from fellowship, on a charge of irregular attendance at the "School of the Prophets," before any further action is taken on our case, do present the following declaration of our faith on the subject of church control:-

"'We hold that it is the right of all members of this church to refuse to accept any principle or measure, presented to them by the priesthood, further than the light of God within them bears witness to the same.

(page 558)

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