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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 33 Page: 623 (~1871-1872)

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623 wishing to know the condition and personnel of the quorums. 1 He stated that the Quorum of Seventy had not reported to him. To cure this defect Elder T. W. Smith, secretary of the Quorum of Seventy, did, on August 8, send in the following list of seventies on the record of the quorum: A. M. Wilsey, C. G. Lanphear. George Rarick, L. W. Babbitt, W. H. Kelley, J. M. Wait, Jerome Ruby, J. L. Adams, Francis Reynolds, E. M. Wildermuth, J. W. Gillen, C. H. Jones,

1 To All Whom It May Concern:-The following named persons are members of the several quorums of the church with which their names stand connected, and the representation of their several standings therein is such as was made at the last General Conference of the church, and such as has been furnished me by the secretaries of the elders' quorums. Those who are represented as having been sustained, are recommended by the General Conference, or by their quorums, as authorized ministers, according to the degree and kind of authority they hold. The order in which they appear here, is that of their ordination, except the elders' quorums. Those not sustained appear last.

The Quorum of the First Presidency numbers two. Joseph Smith and William Marks, both sustained.

The Apostles' Quorum numbers seven, six of whom were sustained. Sustained: Jason W. Briggs, Zenos H. Gurley, Samuel Powers, William W. Blair, Edmund C. Briggs, and Josiah Ells. Not sustained, but no charge preferred, Reuben Newkirk, Jason W. Briggs, president; William W. Blair, secretary.

The High Council numbers eleven members, one, Dwight Webster, having died, and the vacancy not having been filled: John C. Gaylord, William Aldrich, George Morey, Edwin Cadwell, Jacob Doan, Oliver P. Dunham, Zenos Whitcomb, Lyman Hewitt, Winthrop H. Blair, Hiel Bronson, and Jesse Price. All sustained. Joseph Smith, president. No permanent secretary appointed.

The High Priests' Quorum numbers forty-three, forty-two of whom were sustained. Sustained: Wheeler Baldwin, Judah Griffith, Phineas Bronson, James M. Adams, Thomas Carrico, Stephen Richardson, James Whitehead, John C. Gaylord, William Aldrich, George Morey, Edwin Cadwell, Jacob Doan, Oliver P. Dunham, Zenos Whitcomb, Lyman Hewitt, Winthrop H. Blair, Isaac Sheen, Israel L. Rogers, James Newberry, Elijah B. Gaylord, John Landers, Benjamin Austin, Hugh Lytle, Thomas Dungan, James Anderson, William H. Hazzledine, Charles Derry, David M. Gamet, Joseph Parsons, George A. Blakeslee, Hiel Bronson, Ebenezer Robinson, Silas W. Condit, Jesse Price, Alexander H. Smith, Thomas Dobson, Mark H. Forscutt, John A. McIntosh, William Redfield, Henry J. Hudson, Alexander Hunt, and Hiram P. Brown. . . . Not sustained, charge preferred, Ebenezer Page. Isaac Sheen, president; Joseph Parsons, counselor; Mark H. Forscutt, secretary.

The Bishopric comprises three members: Israel L. Rogers, James Anderson, and David M. Gamet. Israel L. Rogers, president. No ordained counselor; but High Priest William Aldrich sustained as such with a proviso that he be ordained. The Bishopric was sustained.

The Seventies' Quorum has not been reported to the Secretary; hence no report can be given by him. Quorum was sustained. A. M. Wilsey, president; Thomas W. Smith, secretary.

(page 623)

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