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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 34 Page: 650 (~1872)

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650 subject of promise, and following the baptism of water, by which the body is washed in token of regeneration, in the laying on of hands in confirmation, is made the seal of acceptance, remission, and forgiveness, and will result in the birth of the Spirit.

"The promise of salvation having been made upon condition of belief and baptism, we feel confident in assuming that so much it is necessary to believe: Firstly.-That God is, and that he rewards those who seek him. Secondly.-That Jesus is the Son of God, and the Savior of men. Thirdly.-That obedience to the commands of God is necessary to an acceptance with him, and the reception of everlasting life, through the regeneration accomplished by a baptism of water for the remission of sin, and a baptism of the Spirit accomplished by giving of the Holy Ghost in laying on of hands, in confirmation, as a seal of acceptance unto the knowledge that Jesus is the Lord.

"Here, as we remark it, a line of demarcation may be drawn. So much it is necessary to believe to be saved. A belief in the resurrection from the dead is a result of the teaching of salvation in Christ Jesus; not a means unto that salvation. It is a principle of the gospel, and is to be taught as such; but is not a principle of such character that a man may predicate his action in it. It is an effect to be wrought upon and for him unto the perpetuation of his life; and not being wrought by any power inherent in him, as man, does not depend on any act of his, save only the passive one of abiding in the power by which it is effected, that is, in Christ.

"The eternal judgment of God is the general rendition of justice unto all the tribes of men, and must take place sooner or later. An active or latent belief in this obtains in all men, and it is taught in the gospel as an assurance from God that whatever is not pleasing unto him will be excluded from his presence, and that whatever is in accordance with his will, will be acknowledged and honored by his Son and by himself. The terms by which man is received of God unto everlasting life, with a gospel salvation, once accepted

(page 650)

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