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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 40 Page: 778 (~1873)

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778 Elders Stebbins and Dancer resigned in 1882, at the same time of the resignation of Bishop Rogers.

At the solicitation of the Historian, Bishop Rogers wrote of himself as follows:-

"SANDWICH, Ill., Nov. 7,1896.

"In answer to your request for items of my life of historical interest, I submit the following, which you may use as you see fit.

"I was raised under Baptist influence. In 1840, while working on Black River Canal, in Boonville, New York, I first heard of the latter-day work by overhearing some of my fellow workmen talking about it. I only heard a sermon or two when I became convinced of its truth and was immediately baptized by Elder Joseph Robinson.

"In 1841 most of the branch came west, many going to Nauvoo, but I seemed to be led to stop in DeKalb County, and settled on a farm not far from Sandwich, Illinois. My house was always a home for representatives of the different factions which sprung up after the disorganization of the church. Many efforts were made to convert me to their way of thinking, but without success.

"About the year 1850 I heard that William Smith, brother of the Martyr, claimed to be president pro tem of the church, until young Joseph (as the present president was then called) should take his father's place. I went to Amboy to see him, and united with his cause, and was ordained his counselor, but did not continue with him long, as I soon discovered he was teaching the spiritual wife doctrine, which I knew was false. Those were dark days. I was denied the privilege of church fellowship after this until the year 1859, when Bro. E. C. Briggs and W. W. Blair visited me. I received them coolly. My wife, however, became interested in the teachings of these young men and treated them kindly.

"Soon after this I received a visit from Bro. William Marks. I was greatly cheered by his visit. He requested me to accompany him on a visit to young Joseph to see him about taking his father's place at the head of the church. I suggested that Bro. Blair accompany us, and it was decided that I should visit Bro. Blair and bring him with me.

(page 778)

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