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Source: Church History Vol. 3 Chapter 40 Page: 779 (~1873)

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779 Here a rather remarkable incident took place. While Bro. Marks and I were talking in the depot the train suddenly pulled out and left me. Of course this worried me greatly, as I was very anxious to see Bro. Blair that day so that he could accompany me on the morrow. While I stood wondering what I should do, to my astonishment I saw the train returning, backing right to the station; this enabled me to jump aboard. When I inquired the cause of the train returning, I was informed that it could not get over the grade. The second time, however, it went over the grade without trouble.

"I found Bro. Blair at home, attending his sick nephew. He had failed to receive Bro. Marks' letter, therefore was quite unprepared to accompany me. He consented to go, however, and preparations were hurriedly made; but long before we reached the station we heard the train whistle. We continued with all speed possible and, though we reached the station fully fifteen minutes late, to our joy we found the train still there, apparently waiting for us. This enabled us to meet Bro. Marks at Burlington, according to appointment, and we proceeded by boat to Nauvoo. I met Bro. Joseph on the street, and, though I had never met him before nor seen his picture, I knew him, but we did not make ourselves known to him. Joseph's mother, Emma, received us kindly, and sent word to her son to come home as soon as convenient. He sent word back that he would be home in the evening. Upon being introduced, Bro. Marks addressed Bro. Joseph and stated to him the object of our visit. Bro. Joseph replied; after which Bro. Marks then said, 'We have had men-made prophets and devil-made prophets, and don't want more of those sorts; if God has called you we will be glad to receive you.'

"Arrangements were finally made for Joseph to meet with the Amboy conference to be held April 6, 1860. Our visit was sometime in March.

"On the 4th of April, Bro. Wilsey came for me to accompany him to the Amboy conference, but I was taken ill very suddenly and, much to my disappointment, was forced to remain at home. I told Bro. Wilsey to go on alone, and if I

(page 779)

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