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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 7 Page: 117 (~1876)

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117 fraudulently held by Brigham Young, and others of the ruling oligarchy in Utah.

Fourthly; The placing of the post-offices in the hands of persons who recognize the authority of the government, and the sanctity of the oath of office.

And we further implore Congress to apply the needed remedy for the "suppression of misrule and tyranny in Utah," and thus bring to justice criminals of every character; as Congress has the unquestioned power to legislate over the Territories.

And for the peace, prosperity, and perpetuity of the government of the United States of America, we, your memorialists, will ever pray.


H. J. HUDSON. }Committee.


-The Saints' Herald, vol. 23, pp. 317, 318.

On the 12th Elder M. H. Forscutt baptized twelve persons, who were confirmed by Elders M. H. Forscutt, Charles Derry, J. S. Patterson, and Frank Reynolds. They were Elisha Goode, Olive M. Smith, Samuel Orton, Louisa Orton, F. L. Hitchcock, Emma M. Rhodes, Georgiana Chapman, Elizabeth Runkles, Cynthia Savage, E. T. Kester, E. L. Kester, S. P. Yuhl.

The following missions were assigned: C. G. Lanphear, permitted to return west early in the winter. L. F. West, Texas Mission. F. C. Warnky, Colorado; M. H. Forscutt, Nauvoo District; Heman C. Smith, Central Nebraska District; J. W. Briggs, in the interest of Utah Mission; James Caffall, Iowa and Nebraska; Z. H. Gurley, E. C. Briggs, Josiah Ells, J. R. Lambert, A. H. Smith, W. H. Kelley, J. H. Lake, J. W. Gillen, B. V. Springer, Robert Davis, J. C. Clapp, Glaud Rodger, J. H. Hansen, J. C. Foss, and E. C. Brand continued in former fields; Duncan Campbell, Northern Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan; J. S. Patterson, Central Iowa and Central Illinois; M. T. Short, Indiana; J. T. Davies, released from Wales; Robert Evans, president of Welsh Mission; Thomas Taylor, in charge of the European Mission; Magnus Fyrando and H. N. Hansen, Scandinavian Mission; William Redfield, Utah.

The First United Order of Enoch held meetings during the conference and subsequently published the following report:

According to appointment, the stockholders of the above association met at Council Bluffs, Iowa, September 11, 1875, to elect seven of their

(page 117)

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