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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 7 Page: 119 (~1876)

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119 secretary. The appointing of an agent at the location to do business for the company during the absence of the officers was referred to the president. . . .

The following was moved, debated, and adopted:

Resolved, That the First United Order of Enoch pay one-tenth of its net income this year into the church treasury, as a tithing and an offering unto the Lord in grateful acknowledgment of the bounteous favor bestowed upon us by him from the beginning; and that the subject of making this a permanent rule, annually, be presented to the stockholders for their sanction at the next annual election of directors-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 636.

After the adjournment of the semiannual conference the Seventy's report was published, containing the following:

Resolved, That in the decease of Bro. Charles Wesley Wandell, of the presidents of the Quorum of Seventy, we recognize the hand of God in his removal to his rest with Christ, yet deeply deplore the lose of his earnest and devoted service in the extension of our Redeemer's kingdom; and while expressing this tribute of respect to his memory, would not forget to extend our sympathy to his afflicted and sorrowing family, who must feel, in a manner into which we can not fully enter, the loss of a kind husband and affectionate father.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 22, p. 637.

The semiannual conference of the Pacific Slope Mission was held at Washington Corners, California, October 6 to 10; A. H. Smith, presiding; Richard Ferris and J. F. Burton, clerks. Very little except routine business was done. The committee on selecting location and erecting house for president of mission was continued. John Nightingale of Stockton was ordained a priest.

The following note, with explanation from the editorial pen of Elder J. W. Briggs, will illustrate the policy of Utah authorities towards representatives of the Reorganization:

"HARRISVILLE, Weber County, Utah, September 3, 1875.

"To Mr. John Taylor, Senior; Sir: In justice to the consulted feelings of our citizens, I am under the painful necessity of withdrawing my consent to our schoolhouses being used for such meetings as you proposed to me last evening. Yours respectfully,

"PETER LATER, Trustee."

The meetings referred to above were intended to be for preaching by Bro. William H. Kelley and myself, the original doctrines of the Latter Day Saints. The trustee had consented; but there is a higher power in a school district in Utah. "Our citizens," who compelled this trustee to retract, were representatives of the Utah religion, and wherever it prevails, the liberty of speech is abridged. We sympathize with this trustee

(page 119)

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