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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 8 Page: 123 (~1876)

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123 January 2, 1876, Elder A. H. Smith wrote a pastoral letter to the Saints of Pacific Slope, notifying them that he had appointed Elder D. S. Mills as his successor as president of the mission. This was published in the Herald, volume 23, page 80.

Elder Glaud Rodger wrote from Waratah, Australia, January 12, giving cheering news concerning conditions and prospects.

On February 7 he wrote from Sydney, Australia, giving account of ten elders arriving there from Utah as representatives of the philosophy taught in Utah. He said they were effecting but little.

February 14,1874, Joseph Gilbert wrote from Birmingham, England, strongly commending the labors and presidency of of Elder Thomas Taylor. On February 20 Elder C. H. Caton wrote from the same place, and to the same effect. From his letter we make the following extract as showing the condition of the church and church work in England:

I desire to say a few words concerning the work of God in these lands. The year 1875 has been a good one so far as the spread of the truth is concerned. There have been about thirty-five added by baptism; and the good feeling of amity amongst the brethren and sisters in the entire mission has grown firmer. Being acquainted with most of the brethren that compose this part of the Lord's vineyard, and occupying the position of district secretary, gives me some little chance of knowing the condition and requirements of this mission. I can assure you, and feel happy in doing so, that I am proud of the association of such noble brethren and sisters as those whom I am acquainted with at Birmingham, London, Hanley, Stafford, Farnworth, Sheffield, and other places.

We have good prospects for preaching the gospel this year, and the Spirit of God bears witness that a great many will be added to the church before 1876 is passed away. There have been eleven baptized this year already. The affairs of the English Mission are ably attended to by Bro. Thomas Taylor; and things are looking better now than ever I remember to have seen them since I joined the church, without casting any reflection on the good labors of the brethren who have been sent from America to administer the word.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 23, p. 301.

The Herald for March 1, 1876, published some items which give a fair idea of the condition of the work in many places:

We learn by letter from Bro. Nicholas Trook, of Union, Cass County, Nebraska, 17th ultimo, that Bro. R. C. Elvin, president of the district,

(page 123)

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