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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 8 Page: 125 (~1876)

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125 The Herald for March 15, 1876, announced the publication of the Book of Rules, which has since been largely used as authority on parliamentary usage in church assemblies.

The following letter from Elders Fyrando and Hansen gives some encouragement that prospects were brighter in Denmark:

AALBORG, March 29, 1876.

Brother Joseph Smith: Since our last communication to you we have been preaching in the above-named city and surrounding country, to good-sized congregations. Quite an interest has been manifest, and it appears like as if the Lord had now opened the way for his gospel to be preached in this country. Last Tuesday we had the privilege of administering the ordinance of baptism to two, that are the first-fruits of labors that yet have been gathered; but we hope and believe that several more will come soon. Those baptized are both heads of families, good, earnest men, previously belonging to the Brighamite church. One of them was an elder who opposed us as long as he could; but when he saw his error he laid it aside and received the truth.

As there is now quite an interest manifest and the prospects are that a good many will come into the church, we see the necessity of having a hymn-book of our own in the Danish language, as we hitherto, as also the Scandinavian Saints in America, have used the Brighamite book, which is not suitable to our faith. We would therefore propose to the Scandinavian Saints in America, to help us with means to get up a book, with from one hundred fifty to two hundred selected hymns, arranged similar to the "Saints' Harp." We would like to have the book as soon as possible, for we need it, and would therefore ask those interested to put forth a helping hand as soon as possible.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 23, p. 283.

About this time a public discussion was held at Lilly Dale, Perry County, Indiana, where Elder M. H. Forscutt met Elder W. B. F. Treat, of the Christian Church.

The annual conference convened at Plano, Illinois, April 6, 1876. Elders Joseph Smith and W. W. Blair, of the First Presidency, presiding; Elders H. A. Stebbins and T. W. Smith, secretaries. Immediately after organization President Smith suggested the consideration of the Book of Rules and if authorized, that it be used to govern our assemblies. He asked if the committee were ready to report. Committee reported as follows:

(page 125)

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