170 Brigham Young, much against the will of many of them, as we hold our public meetings in the same building that they do. We feel that we have nothing to fear but everything to hope for in the future. We have quite a number of inquirers who seem deeply interested in our principles, and will, I hope, ere long cast in their lot with us.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 24, pp. 117, 118.
There was much discussion about this time in regard to the forming of an association having for its object the gathering of the Saints, furnishing them employment, assisting them to procure homes, etc. Under date of February 22, Elder I. N. W. Cooper wrote an article which was subsequently published, giving a detailed explanation of a proposed association to be known as "The Common Sense Mutual Agricultural Association." Considerable discussion for and against followed this through the Herald columns; other plans were proposed, but no association of the kind was ever perfected.
On Monday, March 5, 1877, the Saints of Salt Lake City, Utah, having procured a lot for the purpose, broke ground for the erection of a house of worship in that city. This was considered an important movement, by the church at large, for up to this time they had been under the necessity of renting halls, or holding service in private houses, as public houses controlled by the Utah church had generally been unconditionally closed against them.
March 6, 1877, Elder C. H. Caton wrote from Birmingham, England. Of the mission he stated:
I am happy to say that the English Mission is in good condition, and I think that the General Conference of the church in America will do well to sustain Bro. Thomas Taylor as president of it; it will save money and time, too.-The Saints' Herald, vol. 24, p. 110.
The following is an extract from a letter written from Myrtle Creek, Oregon, March 19, by Elder J. C. Clapp:
I have baptized eighteen since I wrote you, and have brought many more to confess that ours is the doctrine of Christ. I organized a branch at Ott, Coos County, and left them rejoicing in the spirit of true brotherhood.
On March 23, 1877, John D. Lee was executed at Mountain Meadow, Utah. In the Herald for April 15, the editor made the following observations on the subject:
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