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Source: Church History Vol. 4 Chapter 11 Page: 173 (~1877)

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173 had been referred reported, and their report was adopted, as follows:

We, your committee, would respectfully submit the following: Whereas, A question of authority has arisen in the Kent and Elgin District as touching the right of certain elders, viz.: George Cleveland, Robert Davis, George Shaw, John Shippy, and two others, six in all (as reported in Herald of March 15, in minutes of Kent and Elgin District), to convene a conference of said district-on October 4, 1876. And, Whereas, A notice duly published in the Herald of October 1, and dated September 11, 1876, signed by the president of that district, and by the president of the mission in charge, appointed by General Conference, to the effect "that for good and sufficient reasons" manifested to them, "that no conference would be held in the district until further notice appears in the Herald." And, Whereas, It appears in evidence, that all the branches of said district, with one exception, were governed by this notice, last aforesaid, as seen in the report of committee on branch reports, in minutes of Kent and Elgin District conference, of October 14, 1876, and published in Herald of March 15, 1877; said conference having been convened by the aforesaid brethren in disregard of said published notice; Therefore, We your committee, recommend that said act be declared discourteous and illegal. And, Whereas, The president of said mission, because of said act, did silence from preaching the aforesaid brethren, Cleveland, Davis, Shaw, and Shippy; and, Whereas, We consider this act premature; Therefore, We recommend that license to preach be restored to these brethren, except it be to John Shippy, who, in the opinion of your committee, has been the leading spirit of the whole difficulty; and from the information presented by both parties in this matter, we do not consider him a safe man to represent the interests of the church of Christ. All of which, together with the papers pertaining to this matter presented to us, are respectfully submitted.


J. T. PHILLIPS, } Committee.


-The Saints' Herald, vol. 24, p. 136.

The conference, by resolution, requested the Board of Publication to publish in pamphlet form some articles previously appearing in the Herald by W. H. Kelley, entitled "Presidency and Priesthood."

Committee on removal reported, and their report was adopted, reading as follows:

We, your committee on location and removal, made so by the articles of incorporation, respectfully submit the following report:

Your committee at its first meeting decided that they could not safely attempt to make purchases with a view to secure a location with less than

(page 173)

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