297 universality with which the light and truth of freedom are spreading, is also upon us-not at the doors-but actually upon us. These enable us to see, that the divine purpose of God as announced in the closing sentences of the "Revelation to Moses," found in the opening of the Inspired Translation, to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man," has not been forgotten; and that in every nation "he that feareth him and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." How grandly then looms up the work of God-not a narrow and sectarian work-but a widely reaching work of redemption worthy of God and godlike men. In this spirit do we salute the Saints. . . .
The next issue of the Herald contained an editorial on persecution from which we quote for the sake of the opinions it contains regarding issues of the past and present:
Why does not the Reorganization suffer persecution?
This is a question just now troubling our Utah friends. A writer in a Salt Lake Herald, states with quite an air of triumphant assertion that these Josephite elders can dress well, sleep well, and be cared for well, and go here and there preaching at will, and without persecution. In this writer's mind the absence of persecution renders the Reorganization untrue. Others have expressed a similar thought. . . .
We, of the Reorganization, are seeking the blessing promised right there, "If by purchase, then are ye blessed." Not in our courts resounds the tread of armed men; not upon our sacred roll of spiritual authorities is found the titles of the sword; not upon our patriarchs, priests, and elders do we confer the badges and insignia of military distinction and renown; not in our council meetings do the ring of the scabbard, and the dull thud of the carbine and the rifle mark the men who are holding aloft the ensign of Peace; not in the hearts, nor on the faces of the elders, does the war spirit kindle ablaze at the sound of the trumpet and the drum; for unto them does the solemn march of time signify the coming of the Monarch of the earth; who, in the habiliments of Peace, will, by his Spirit, subdue the evil and the wrong.
If it may be truthfully said of the Reorganization that they are permitted to abide in peace, while they are trying to build up Zion and establish the pure in heart, it is significant; and its significance is found in the fact that it is teaching the principles of Mormonism as they were taught in the days when the church was prospered; in addition to which, they have adopted the principle of purchase, with its concurrent accessories, in place of the redemption-by-blood theory. In this they have been blessed indeed; and therefore, we are not disturbed that we are not persecuted. For those who were to do the final work for the gathering of the honest in heart, were to find favor in the eyes of the people; and the Lord was to give them this grace and favor. What, therefore, the Lord giveth, as grateful recipients we shall lift our eyes to heaven and say,
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