366 last balance, $8,668.23; expended, $4,116.24; leaving a balance of $4,551.99.
The following missionaries present reported: James Caffall, J. R. Lambert, J. H. Lake, John Thomas, G. T. Griffiths, E. C. Brand, A. H. Smith, Z. H. Gurley. W. H. Kelley, T. W. Smith, R. C. Elvin, D. H. Bays, W. T. Bozarth, J. H. Hansen, Columbus Scott, H. H. Robinson, F. P. Scarcliff. Those not present and reporting were: W. W. Blair, Josiah Ells, J. S. Patterson, R. J. Anthony, B. V. Springer, Heman C. Smith, Glaud Rodger, P. N. Brix, I. N. Roberts, J. T. Phillips, A. J. Cato, Thomas Taylor, M. T. Short, J. C. Foss, and J. L. Bear. This being the first conference held under the delegate system, there was considerable friction and inharmony arising from conflicting opinions. Some were opposed to the delegate system as a whole and sought to have it abrogated, some were dissatisfied with its present form and sought to amend. The delegate system was maintained, but the following changes were made: High priests and elders were made ex officio members of General Conference, and entitled to voice and vote when present.
Several appeal cases were heard by committees appointed for the purpose.
Petitions were submitted from Rondeau and London, Ontario, asking for restoration of license to John Shippy. This was referred to a committee consisting of Joseph Luff, A. W. Moffet, and James Caffall. The committee reported adversely and the petitions were denied.
The following was adopted regarding the chapel building in Salt Lake City: "That the Bishop and his agents are hereby instructed to solicit aid for the erection of the Utah chapel."
The following was adopted regarding Sunday-schools:
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to take into consideration the feasibility of some general plan of conducting Sunday-schools, and if found feasible, report said general plan to the coming annual conference; and
Resolved, That they also take into consideration the feasibility and practicability of using one page of the Hope as a lesson sheet, or of using an extra sheet for such purpose.
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